The new Democratic Progressive Party and legislator Wang Shijian, the DPP ruling in Taiwan, said that the responsibility of serving as the Standing Committee of the Central Committee is to be a crow in the party, not a pronunciation angel.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Sanli News reported that the DPP held the inauguration ceremony of the 21st Central Executive Committee, Central Standing Committee, and the Central Jury on Wednesday (July 31).

Wang Shijian, who officially entered the core of power within the party, said that the spirit of the DPP is a diverse voice, and it is the DPP's tradition and the value of the DPP.The Democratic Progressive Party respects the sound of diverse different pipelines, especially the sound of grassroots people.

Wang Shijian said that the responsibilities of the Standing Committee of the Central Standing Committee are originally a crow.He said that he was happy to be a crow, and brought different voices and different thoughts to the Party Central Committee. Let's discuss it together. This is right.

Compared with the legislator Chen Tingfei, who was elected to the Standing Committee of the Standing Committee, Chen Tingfei once said, "The eyes know that I am dependent." Wang Shijian said that from his eyes, he can see that he is not dependent, he is not dependent, he is not dependent, he is not dependent, heIt is "firm", only Wang Shijian's strong department.

He emphasized that his boss is the people, representing the people to put forward some views and opinions, and provide the DPP's reference. He is proud of being a crow.

Taiwan Lai Qingde, who is also chairman of the DPP, said in his speech that congratulations to all the newly appointed Central Standing Committee, Central Executive Committee, and Central Judge.The heavy responsibility of joining the party's signboard.

Lai Qingde said that he must encourage the DPP's ideals with the newly appointed Zhong, persistence, and judges.He said that some people may say that discussing the ideal is unrealistic, but the fact is just the opposite.In order to be famous, you can attract the heroes of heroes from all parties to join, and to get more support from the public.

The DPP recently held the core of power within the party.Including Wang Shijian and Chen Tingfei.