The Chairman of the Joint Meeting of the U.S. Chief of Staff said, if the Taiwan Strait War broke out, he was full of confidence in the US military's victory in the war.

According to VOA, CHARLES Brown was asked at the Aspert Security Forum on Friday (July 19), "If mainland China tries to seize Taiwan, from your military perspectiveSee, can the United States win the war against mainland China? "

Brown replied:" Yes, I am confident in our troops, and you should do this.The respected combat forces. "

The US National Security Consultant Sarawon said at another event at the Aspert Security Forum that the outbreak of the Taiwan Strait's two sides of the Taiwan Strait will definitely bring disaster to the world, and the US policyOne basic goal must be to ensure that this situation will never happen.

The US Republican presidential candidate and former President Trump in Bloomberg said that Taiwan took the US chip business in Taiwan, and believed that Taiwan should pay the US defense to the United States.

The voice of the United States claims that this statement has triggered a fierce discussion of Washington's position on the Taiwan Strait issue if Trump becomes the next US president.

Dan Sullivan, a member of the Senate Military Commission and a Republican senator, responded at the Aspert Security Forum that on this issue, action and records were more important than words.