After the US President Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential election, the Taiwan stock market continued the decline last week on Monday (July 22), once killing more than 370 points.

Comprehensive China News Network and Yahoo stock market reports, semiconductor stocks led the Taiwan stock market on Monday.New Taiwan dollars, the same below, S $ 39.29), UMC fell more than 1%to 51.3 yuan, and Hon Hai fell 2.5 yuan to 201.5 yuan.

Taiwan stocks closed at 22869.26 points last Friday (19th), and fell 529.21 points or 2.26%.Among them, TSMC fell 3.48%, Hon Hai's closure, and MediaTek fell 1.56%.

After Bayeng's Sunday local time (July 21) announced the withdrawal from the 2024 US presidential election, his opponent and Republican presidential candidate Trump's momentum instantly bullish.

According to Bloomberg Commercial Weekly reported on July 16, Trump said in an exclusive interview with the journal on June 25 that he respected Taiwan, but Taiwan took 100%of the chip business in the United States, soMilitary expenses should be paid to the United States.

Trump made the above response when you answered "Will you defend Taiwan's attack on mainland China?"He also said: "We (the United States) and insurance companies are nothing different. Taiwan hasn't given us anything."

Trump also believes that Taiwan is 9,500 miles (15,289 kilometers) in the United States, and the distance is from the United States, and the distance is from the United States.There are only 68 miles in mainland China, and the United States has actual difficulties in defending Taiwan.

According to Reuters, due to the influence of Trump's remarks, TSMC's stock price fell 2.4%on July 16, a decrease of 1%compared to the Taiwan stock market, a larger decline.