The Ministry of Education of Taiwan plans to rename the "Minnan Language Certificate Certification Exam" to "Taiwan's Taiwanese Language Calpity Certification Examination". The Kuomintang legislators and scholars criticize are ideological.

Comprehensive Taiwan reporting and Lianhe News Network reported on Saturday (July 20) that the Ministry of Education of Taiwan announced the draft of the second amendment of the Ministry of Education's Minnan Language Certification Examination Examination Examination.

The Ministry of Education of Taiwan said that cooperating with the language development report and letter of the Executive Yuan to promote the consistency of language., Matsu, etc., cooperate with the revision of Minnan language as Taiwanese Taiwanese. At that time, the exam will be changed to the "Taiwanese Taiwanese Language Certificate Certification Exam".

In this regard, the Kuomintang legislator Hong Mengkai criticized on Saturday that the Democratic Progressive Party did not do business and made articles in ideology, so that the public could not accept it, especially in terms of namesIt has not changed, this "self -hi -type A Q Victory method" is just heating on the same temperature layer.

Wu Kuncai, director of the Department of Applied History of National Chiayi University, said that tens of millions of people around the world use Fujian, Singapore, Malaysia and other places also use them. No one thinks there is a political meaning. Why is it called southern Fujian in Taiwan?Is there a political meaning?It can be said that it can be said to be intended.

Wu Kuncai said that the southern Fujian language in the world is similar. There is no need to distinguish it deliberately.The language name was unique, and this incident reflected that the thought of "de -Chineseization" was clearly revealed.