(Taipei Comprehensive News) In the context of continuous pressure on Taiwan's military pressure in mainland China, the Taiwan military said that in order to ensure that the strategic materials and the supplies of the Taiwan aid in the war can be successfully arrived in Taiwan, the Hanguang exercise will mobilize the various ministries this year to mobilize various ministries and ministries.Exercise overseas supplies.

Comprehensive Free Times Autonomous Evening News, Junwen News Agency, etc., the five -day Hanguang exercise on Monday (July 22) debuted, focusing on "no script, practicalization" exercise, focusing on verifying the rules of combat and decentralization, depending on the centerConducting control, focusing on full -time verification of combat power and night training, key infrastructure protection and toughness are also focus.

According to reports, considering the experience of the Russian and Ukraine War and the geographical characteristics of the sea around the sea, the Taiwan Army will select a strategic place in Taiwan this year to implement overseas materials transfer and traffic operation control, simulate foreign supplies during the war to arrive,After Taiwan, government departments cooperated across units to transport important strategic materials.

The Freedom Times quoted the unnamed Taiwanese government senior officials said that although the exercise is not for the first time, it is necessary to re -verify. The focus is on how to ensure that overseas supplies arrive in Taiwan.The main points of these materials are needed.

The Central News Agency quoted Jiang Yan, the leader of the former Taiwan Navy Fleet and scholar of the National Defense Security Research Institute. Taiwan lacks strategic materials such as oil and natural gas, and all need to be imported overseas.He said that of course there is no problem during Chengping period, but oil and natural gas not only allows people's livelihood to maintain normal operation during wartime, but also is more related to the existence of combat. Therefore, it is necessary to practice materials.

After the Lai Qingde of Taiwan was sworn in on May 20, the Eastern theater of the Chinese People's Liberation Army announced on May 23 that the military exercise of large -scale enclosures was launched.It attracted the attention of the outside world how to break the PLA's blockade if the two -strait war broke out.

On the other hand, the military news agency of the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense used artificial intelligence for the first time. During the Hanguang exercise period, it was reported to a variety of language warfare reports.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan said that this was an experience in reducing war loss and improving the efficiency of communication in combination with the virtual anchor in the Russia and Ukraine War, and said that the virtual anchor would debut on Facebook, Instagram, X and other accounts of the Ministry of National Defense.