Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan announced on Tuesday (July 16) that he would visit the United States next week, saying that he would have a fierce election in the US presidential election, and her schedule would be as simple as possible.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Lu Xiuyan said that she will visit the United States from July 22 to 31, deduct two days of flight time, stay in the United States for eight days, and visit 10 in the United States during the period.City.

Lu Xiuyan said that this was her first visit to the United States for five and a half years as the mayor of Taichung.She has four purposes on her trip to the United States. She mainly visits sister cities and increases the friendship between cities. At the same time, she also visits Taichung and Taiwanese businessmen who work hard in the United States to visit high -tech companies and care about diaspora.

She also said that the scale of the Taichung Municipal Government's visit to this time is very small, including Huang Guorong, the deputy mayor of the west who was stationed in the West. This trip was mainly planned by Huang Guorong.Jiang Weimin, Director of the News Luan Zhiyi, Digital Director Lin Gulong, Secretary Director Xie Jiazheng and so on.

For the legend, she will visit Apple Headquarters, Lu Xiuyan said that the relevant itinerary is in the arrangement.Lu Xiuyan did not disclose the list of other visitors, only to comply with the arrangement of the organizer.

In response to the assassination of former US President Trump, Lu Xiuyan said that he would pay attention on behalf of the Taichung Municipal Government, and wished Ford Trump to recover soon.