The new President Lai Qingde of Taiwan took office shortly. Zheng Wencan, former chairman of the Strait Exchange Foundation, who was the most dazzling political star of the DPP, was banned by corruption.The party legislator Chen Tingfei was also tragically removed by the party's "Parliament", and the dark tide in the party was turbulent.The outside world pays attention to Lai Qingde's "sweeping greedy" knife after standing in the party. Will it affect the opposition party in the future, and what will affect the political situation in Taiwan?

Zheng Wencan, former chairman of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation, was suspected of accepting bribes in the development of Huaya Science Park. It was banned by prosecutors in early July, as if throwing a nuclear bomb -level shock in politics.Less than two months after taking office for the new president Lai Qingde, he opened the "Big Brother" Zheng Wencan, who had served as a deputy pelvation and the original opportunity.Also shocked.

illustration/Liang Jinquan

Because Zheng Wencan is very large in Taiwan's political scene, the Taoyuan Procuratorate and the Taoyuan District Court played a three -degree Zheng Wencan who had been the two mayor of Taoyuan.The DPP has also suspended his rights for three years, and Zheng Wencan's political future has been drawn with a rest.

Zheng Wencan's suspected bribery case occurred in 2017, the second year of the DPP's Tsai Ing -wen government.The prosecution unit had mastered the prison translation of the case and the photos of key witnesses in Zheng Wencan's official residence, but was signed by the "insufficient evidence".He was transferred or disheartened.

Lai Qingde took office on May 20 this year. The inspection unit restarted the investigation in June, interviewing and receiving four people including the key witnesses Yang and the surname of Liao, and only waited for Zheng Wencan to return from Japan on July 4th.After receiving the interview, the entire investigation operation was unprepared.

Zheng Wencan (middle), former chairman of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation, was suspected of accepting bribes in the development of Huaya Science Park, and was banned by prosecutors in early July.The case occurred in 2017, the second year of the DPP's Tsai Ing -wen government.(Take from the Internet)

Politics is full of speculation and conspiracy theories, or that Lai Qingde, the big knife, is really aimed at the former Presidential Party's preliminary election for his former Tsai Ing -wen and Renma, or Lai Qingde will wave on the 2024 election in the 2024 election election.Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the people party of the Democratic Progressive Party, and other people in the wild party.

The government of the Kuomintang and the People's Party pointed directly at the Lai Qingde government for more than a month without any achievements. In terms of cross -strait, the "New Country Theory" (the Republic of China and the People's Republic of China are not affiliated with each other).With the water and fire, Lai Qingde can not only "Liwei", but also eliminate dissidents, eliminate Zheng Wencan, who was re -elected in 2028, and made the party's internal affairs factions unanimously "trust".

Why is the investigation strongly requested in the opposition party, why was Zheng Wencan be blocked in 2017?Who causes judicial barriers?

At this time, no one dared to make a public voice for Zheng Wencan at this time. It can only be argued that all respecting judicial justice is not a vain. This is proved that the judicial justice is not a blue.Although the image of politics and love is injured, it is "long in the air."

Blue Camp three months ago predicted Zheng Wencan to suffer the first

The Kuomintang legislators Xie Longjie had long been supervised by the mayor of Tainan Lai Qingde during the period of the Councilor of Tainan City. He predicted that Lai Qingde's first suffering may be Zheng Wencan after three months ago.

When the Lai Qingde government's first wave of the cabinet without Zheng Wencan, Xie Longjie boldly predicted that Zheng Wencan and Lai Qingde belonged to the new trend faction in the DPP.The big conflict, "killing chickens and monkeys" means strong.

At the end of 2022, the Democratic Progressive Party's nine -in -one local election was defeated due to various corruption scandals.Tainan Mayor Huang Weizhe and six party legislators bowed and apologized.Regarding Tainan's furnace case, 88 shooting cases, photovoltaic cases, and bribery of the Corporation and Deputy Speaker, Lai Qingde had to investigate the unit to check, the office should be handled, and it should be cleared.

Analysis: Green Camp Judicial Umbrella is put away

The former Tainan County Mayor (Tainan County and Tainan City and Tainan City, Tainan City), who have withdrawn from the Democratic Progressive Party (Tainan County and Tainan City) Su Huanzhi said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao: "The external political speculation is a bit excessive. Lai Qingde does not want to kill Zheng Wencan.He just removed the judicial protective umbrella of the green camp in the past eight years without blocking the judicial investigation, but this does not mean that he is handling the case "

He said that in the past eight years, the Democratic Progressive Party was unique and fully governed. The appointment of prosecutors was promoted to look at it. There were always political concerns to handle the case, so some cases involved the party of the same party were gone.Today, Lai Qingde's political style is different. The most important thing is that the Legislative Yuan is only half a three -party party. The political ecology is loose, and the space of judicial independence is relatively large.

The chairman of the Taiwan Public Opinion Foundation and former DPP legislator You Yinglong pointed out to the Morning Post that Zheng Wencan has seen and observed in Taiwan in the past 10 years.There were suspected corruption -related evidence, but it broke out shortly after Tsai Ing -wen stepped down."This means that a long -established phenomenon of political corruption has been revealed. Of course, the DPP government is seriously injured, and the image of the DPP is also a great blow."

"But from a good side, shortly after Lai Qingde came to power, prosecutors dared to sue and expose the corruption of senior officials, and it also shows that the function of anti -corruption in this system still exists."

You Yinglong believes that the Cai Yingwen government used political protection umbrella to block judicial investigations."This case may be just the corner of the iceberg, and there are many cases that have been talked about for a long time. What the truth is? For a healthy democratic society, these should be investigated."

analysis believes that shortly after Taiwan Lai Qingde came to power, the police dared to sue and expose the corruption of senior officials, indicating that the anti-corruption function still exists.However, Lai Qingde's right to investigate and hear the hearing of the Congress promoted by the Wild Party was also questioned by the outside world.(Reuters)

Su Huanzhi affirmed Lai Qingde's ethics, but questioned Lai Qingde to be greedy.He said: "The new trend was originally ideal, but now the entire new trend has become a interest group and a more organized political and business mixture.Beiliu and Zhongliu supported Tsai Ing -wen for re -election in 2019. The relationship between Lai Qingde and the new trend in the south is not so close.Essence"

"If Lai Qingde really wants to fight for greed, he has no reason to oppose the right to investigate and hear the right to hear by the opposition party.It's self -conflict "

Greedy helps Lai Qingde to concentrate on the party's power

In fact, there have been many rumors about land development cases involved in Zheng Wencan in recent years. Why did the Lai Qingde government only start the most inconspicuous case of Huaya Science Park, and it was suspicious.

Lai Qingde has a determination to fight for greed, including many previous cases in Tainan and the recent street shooting cases.

This greedy action benefits Lai Qingde's concentration of power within the party. The Kuomintang has realized that Lai Qingde has a ruthless hand, and he will never be soft -hearted to the Kuomintang politicians.Political situations are afraid of Ning.

The two people before the whole generation caused the DPP faction struggle speculation

On the same day of Zheng Wencan's investigation due to corruption, Chen Tingfei, a long -standing mayor of Tainan, also deployed the long -term mayor of Tainan.It was removed by the party in the party.Due to the outbreak of these two incidents, less than a month before the Democratic Progressive Party's Taiwan Congress (All -Delivery) on July 21, it naturally set off a speculation on the DPP faction struggle.

The Democratic Progressive Party was combined from the then -in -laws of the field and local people at the time. The members of the field had different political concepts, and then gradually evolved into factions.At first, there were two major factions of Beautiful Island and New Trends, and the number of factions gradually increased.

Although the DPP National Conference disbanded all factions in the party in July 2006, it was difficult to practice in practice.And even if Lai Qingde announced in January this year, in order to more objectively promote the national government, and united the party and lead the party, leaving the new trend, the outside world still believes that Lai Qingde is still the actual leader of the new trend.

At present, in the most active factions in the DPP, in addition to the most well -known and largest new trends, there are the British departments represented by Tsai Ing -wen, as well as the former dean of the Legislative Yuan.The Parliament of Foreign Minister Lin Jialong (Normal National Promotion Association), and the rushing speech (sea) led by the late media tycoon Lin Kunhai.

Zheng Wencan, who belongs to the new trend, has been previously regarded as one of the important succession echelons within the DPP. It is also rumored that it is regarded as one of the candidates for Chu Jun and has a bright complex with Lai Qingde.

However, because Zheng Wencan belongs to the "North Stream" in the new trend and has a close relationship with Cai Yingwen, some analysts believe that Zheng Wencan has stepped into the new trend and the British department.Lai Qingde developed in southern Taiwan for a long time, so it belongs to the "South Stream" in the new trend.

In April of this year, when Lai Qingde announced the list of new cabinet, Zheng Wencan was assigned to take over the chairman of the Strait Exchange Foundation, which is responsible for cross -strait civil exchanges, and explained the outside world. Such personnel appointments were described as Lai Qingde into the "Cold Palace".

The Kuomintang refers to the Zheng Wencan case from the election grievances to the stage

Therefore, after the outbreak of Zheng Wencan's greedy incident, the Kuomintang further questioned that this was the complaint between Lai Qingde and Zheng Wencan when they were competing for a big place, and believed that the DPP's internal faction struggle.

Wang Hongwei, a member of the Kuomintang legislature Wang Hongwei, even proposed at a press conference on Thursday (July 10) that the incident was the fighting method of Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing -wen.She said that Zheng Wencan was also formed in the past. Last year, after it was determined that it was the president of Lai Qingde, the investigation was restarted, and the political intervention was strong.

Because Zheng Wencan was closely related to the former Tsai Ing-wen (left) in Taiwan, Taiwan also questioned in the wild camp. This incident was a big fight between Lai Qingde and Tsai Ing-wen.(Agence France -Presse)

The social editorial on the day of the Taiwan United Daily also proposed that Lai Qingde rushed to clean up the portals within the party before the reorganization of power reorganization of the Democratic Progressive Party, greatly personal power, and consolidated the command power of the 2026 local elections and the 2028 presidential election.Essence

Scholars of interviewees generally believe that although the Zheng Wencan incident has no direct evidence to point out political struggles, it will indeed have a certain impact on the balance of power in the DPP party.

Scholars: British and Northliu Scho -ingredients are hit

Qu Zhaoxiang, a retired professor of the Political Science Research Institute of Taiwan Normal University, who is currently a member of the New Hometown Think Tank Association of the People's Party, was the representative of the Third National Congress with Lai Qingde in the 1990s.

He analyzed in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that although Zheng Wencan was a new trend, he was not a leader in the end and was closely related to Cai Yingwen. Therefore, he also had British colors.

He believes that the contradiction of Zheng Wencan's case should be the power competition relationship between the British and the new trend.As far as the new trend is concerned, it will gradually become the main axis of Lai Qingde; the British may be crowded out by some power.

Qu Zhaoxiang pointed out that under such a situation, the Zheng Congs, led by Lin Jialong, will have a "weight", but it depends on how they coordinate with the new trend.

Scholar analysis, Zheng Wencan's corruption case will cause the new trend in the DPP and the British morale to be frustrated.The "weight" is produced between the party's intra -party factions.The picture shows that when Lai Qingde announced the list of new cabinets in April, Lin Jialong introduced as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.(Agence France -Presse)

The Taiwan Asia -Pacific Elite Exchange Association scholar Wang Zhisheng, which is closely related to the DPP relationship, admits that Zheng Wencan represents the connection between the British and the new trend north, so under this situationThe morale of Beiliu, even the performance of the whole generation, will definitely suffer frustration.

He said that the DPP factions have always been carried out through accurate votes.This is why Chen Tingfei insists on running for the election. "Because it is equivalent to disrupted the operation of the factions, in other words, it will not affect the existing faction ticket because of the Zheng Wencan incident."

Wang Zhisheng judged that due to the various events mentioned in the previous description, the votes of the Democratic Progressive Party ’s all -generation conference should be carried out in a low -key and easement in the way of duck.

As for this incident, how will Lai Qingde control the situation?Qu Zhaoxiang said that Zheng Wencan's problem has been rumored for several years in the DPP party."So I don't think he (Lai Qingde) to deal with Zheng Wencan, which will cause other faction to rebound, it should not."

However, Qu Zhaoxiang pointed out that after the outbreak of the Zheng Wencan incident, Lai Qingde has stated that "regardless of the party, not asking who is not asking, as long as illegal, the prosecution should be investigated, not forgotten", and emphasizing "fight", and emphasizes "fighting.Fraud, crushing, and greed are currently important work of the government. "It shows that the next party will inevitably promote the party's greed.

Lai Qingde's tough greedy analysis: will not only be Zheng Wencan's horse falling

He said that Lai Qingde's personality was stubborn and his status in the party was stable, so he should let go."If the Democratic Progressive Party has some like Zheng Wencan, it involvesThose who are the problem of gold and corruption, I am afraid that he will deal with them one by one ... I can almost say that it will not only be Zheng Wencan."This also helps Lai Qingde to internal and external faith.

Wang Zhisheng believes that the culture of the Democratic Progressive Party pays attention to the "strength first". Lai Qingde was elected as the president as a party chairman. He has already been set in the party in the party.However, he also agreed that if Lai Qingde could explain to the people in this incident, whether it is scamming or in a clean part, it can further gain the trust of the people and will have a certain effect.