In an interview with former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou in an interview with the Malaysian Starzhou Daily, the Kuomintang agreed with peace reunification, and the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun believes that the Kuomintang must fully abide by the Constitution and always be with democracy and freedom.

Comprehensive Dongsen News Network and Ta Central News Agency reported that Zhu Lilun went to Banqiao, New Taipei City to attend the Legislative Yuan's reform briefing on Sunday (July 14) and said that the Kuomintang fully complied with the Constitution of the Republic of China.The spirit of the Constitution is the most important foundation.

He shows that the Kuomintang will always stand with democracy and be free to oppose "Taiwan independence", oppose "one country, two systems", strengthen democracy and freedom, and pursue the common ideals of the whole people.

In addition to mentioning the Kuomintang's support for peaceful unity, Ma Ying -jeou also said in an exclusive interview that Taiwan Lai Qing De Ming knew that "Taiwan independence" could not be realized, but he still insisted that he was a pragmatic "Taiwan independence" worker.A bit naive.

Ma Ying -jeou also said that it is very concerned about the current situation of the Taiwan Strait, but not to worry about it, because China and the United States do not want to see a war in Taiwan.