The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan released the dynamics of business vessels in mainland China.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense on Tuesday (July 16) notified on the official website that from 6 am on Monday (July 15) to 6 am on Tuesday, 18 military aircraft were officialIn the middle line of the Cross Strait, entering the eastern and southwest airspace, six mainland warships and a business ship continued to move around the Taiwan Strait.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense reiterated that the Taiwan Army used the task machine, ship and shore -setting missile system to closely monitor and respond.

According to the schematic diagram of the Liberation Army's entry into the Taiwan Strait's surrounding airspace activities, from Monday morning to the evening, there are 10 mainland owners, auxiliary fighters and drones along the edge of the midline of the Taiwan Strait.The secondary master, auxiliary fighter, drone and helicopter activity in the southwest of the Taiwan Strait was about 57 nautical miles (about 105 kilometers) from Taiwan.The other two helicopters continued to move outside the eastern sea, which was about 87 nautical miles northeast of the goose northern.