Zheng Wencan, former chairman of the Taiwan Strait Exchange Foundation, was captured after corruption. The president of the administrative director Zhuo Rongtai personally presided over the meeting of the Central Integrity Committee that "corruption zero tolerance" is the only criterion for the people's inspection of the government.Regardless of greed or scanning, there is absolutely no fuzzy space, and no one can succeed.

According to the press release issued by the official website of the Taiwan Executive Yuan, Zhuo Rongtai presided over the meeting of the Central Integrity Committee on Monday (July 15), and listened to the current situation of clean government and analysis, transparent crystal awardsInstitutions implement reports such as low -energy governance projects.

Zhuo Rongtai said that the Central Integrity Committee will be held once every six months in accordance with regulations, and the last meeting was held in October last year.After taking office on May 20, he asked the relevant units to consolidate the schedule of major meetings and decided that he personally presided over the first Central Integrity Committee on Monday to express the government's determination to tolerate corruption and showActively fight the specific actions of corruption.

Zhuo Rongtai further said that this year, Taiwan continues to follow the United Nations Convention on Corruption of the United Nations, and will announce the mid -year progress of the third "national report" at the end of the year.The determination of anti -corruption work must continue to advance forward on the basis of existing solid.

He said that in June last year, Taiwan and the United States signed the 21st Century Trade Initiative of Taiwan and the United States.In addition to deepening the economic and trade relations of the United States, it has laid a solid legal foundation for Taiwan -US economic and trade exchanges.

Zhuo Rongtai emphasized that Taiwan uses the highest standards to promote anti -corruption and deepen international cooperation with common value;All ministries will unite and lead the administrative team with zero tolerance as the core value to create a clean and transparent official environment.

Zhuo Rongtai reiterated that corruption zero tolerance is the only criterion for the people's inspection of the government, and it is also the only criterion for the inspection of each other in government departments. Regardless of greed or blackening, there is absolutely no vague space, nor no one is anyone else.Can be lucky.

He pointed out that as long as you find any illegal or bad matters to the country and the people, the government will definitely sweep and implement it to the end.This is the government's attitude towards greed and blacking. The government will continue to refine various practices, strive for the people's trust, and respond to the society's expectations of the government.

Zheng Wencan was suspected of accepting bribes in the development of Huaya Science Park, and was banned by prosecutors in early July.The DPP's DPP also confirmed that Zheng Wencan has suspended power for three years since July 12.