The Japanese Foreign Minister Uenagawa Nagawa asked China to abide by the results of the South China Sea Arbitration. The Chinese Embassy in Japan responded that Japan advocated a platform for the Philippines in the South China Sea.Essence

According to the China News Agency, a spokesman for the Chinese Embassy in Japan on Saturday (July 13) asked reporters from the Japanese side of the South China Sea on Southern China.

A spokesman said that the South China Sea Arbitration Case is essentially a political farce in a legal coat and does not have legal effect. China’s sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea will not be subject to the ruling under the circumstances in any case.Influence.

A spokesman said that the South China Sea arbitration case was unilaterally mentioned by the Philippines, and the temporary arbitral tribunal established by the Philippines unilaterally violated the principle of national consent and seriously violated the United Nations Convention on Ocean Law and General International Law.The referee, the ruling made is illegal and invalid, and there is no restraint.China does not accept or recognize relevant rulings, and does not accept any claims and actions based on the ruling.

The spokesman also said, "The Japanese side ignores the truth, repeatedly manipulates the illegal decision, illegally advocates the end of the platform for the Philippines, and follows the American gangs to engage in a small circle.Private interest.

According to the Kyodo News Agency, Japanese Foreign Minister Uenagawa Yoshikawa issued a conversation on July 13, and once again asked China to abide by the results of the South China Sea Arbitration eight years ago.

For the collision of vessels in China and the Philippines, Shangchuan emphasized that "it is serious about repeated actions that have repeatedly adopted the freedom of navigation and exacerbate regional tensions."Opposition to try to change the status quo with strength and compression.