In response to the Kuomintang legislator Luo Zhiqiang asked about the progress of the delivery of the US military's purchase case, the Taiwan Department of Defense replied that the production of the F-16V fighter was once in the development bottleneck, but the bottleneck has been made breakthrough and the production line has entered the right track.It can be completed by 2026 as scheduled.

The Taiwan Air Force purchased 66 F-16V (BLK70) fighters from the United States in 2019 with the codename "Fengxiang Project", with a total budget of 247.2 billion yuan (NT $ 10.2 billion).Originally, Taiwan will be able to obtain two F-16V military aircraft in 2023, but it will only be delivered to the fourth quarter of this year to deliver two prototypes for flight testing.

Gu Lixiong, the Minister of Defense of Taiwan, revealed on June 17 that the United States had asked the United States to deliver before the end of 2026.

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, Luo Zhiqiang said in a written question proposed to the Ministry of National Defense that the current military purchase case of Taiwan ’s over 20 billion US dollars (S $ 26.8 billion) has been delayed, including shore settlement, including shore settlementFish fork missiles, Hamas multi -tube rocket systems, patriotic missile interception systems, etc. Some of them are important equipment for Ukraine against Russian aggression. Will the delivery of military purchases be further affected?

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense pointed out in writing that Taiwan has closely coordinated and cooperated with the Tiger Team composed of the US Department of Defense and the State Council, and askedFork missiles, Hamas multi -tube rocket systems and other equipment are installed as scheduled as scheduled.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan pointed out that the F-16V fighter aircraft was caught in a development bottleneck due to the integration of software integration between aircraft and the selection of equipment, but the above bottleneck has been made.Complete the delivery machine before the year.In other words, it is expected to be delivered before 2026 at the timeliness of special regulations.

The Taiwan Ministry of Defense explained whether the US military was signed for the extension of the US military's purchase extension.Weapons and equipment.If the manufacturer delays delivery to damage Taiwan's rights and interests, non -force majeure factors and in line with the U.S. government and manufacturers related agreements, the U.S. government will submit to the manufacturer.

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense continued, Taiwan officially sent a letter of liability unit through security cooperation dialogue (SCT) and the factory linked officials, and proposed to the US government for Taiwan's identification of damage equity projects.The U.S. government shall conduct relevant disposal based on the contract with the US factory and strive to safeguard Taiwan's rights.