The Taiwan High Court rejected the prosecution of the lawyer, Zheng Wencan, the former chairman of the Sea Foundation, and Zheng Wencan will be detained for at least two months.

The Taiwan United Daily News and Zhongshi News Network reported that the former mayor of Taoyuan City, the former mayor of Taoyuan City, Zheng Wencan, after twice the insurance, on Thursday (July 11) after the third detention court was heldSee for ban.Zheng Wencan was not convinced that the representative lawyer filed a protest.

After hearing on Friday (12th) of the Taigao Hospital, Zheng Dai said that someone was in his handbags with 5 million yuan (NT $ 26,155) in his house.The statement that he returned after discovery was unreasonable. In addition, he had the possibility of a certificate and escape. Therefore, he rejected his protest and ruled that he continued to be detained.

Chen Liling, a spokesman for the New Party and a lawyer of the new party spokesperson on Saturday (13th), said that Zheng Ruo insisted on not pleading guilty, and he was afraid to spend the whole summer in the detention center.It may be released in four months, that is, the detention can be ended on November 10.

Zheng Wencan was investigated for corruption due to the land development case of the mayor of Taoyuan. Taoyuan prosecutor believed on July 6 that Zheng Wencan was suspected of being suspected of significant, extinguishing, and skewers.For the first time, the court ruled that 5 million yuan was paid.After the prosecutor's prosecution, the Taiwan High Court determined on the 8th that the original insurance policy ruled that it may be unreasonable to exclude Zheng Wencan's flee, or with other criminals or witnesses permits and permits.

After the Taoyuan Earth Court held the detention court twice on the 9th, it ruled that 12 million yuan was paid to maintain the restrictions on the residence, leaving the country, going to sea, and prohibited him from being related to the defendant, suspects, witnesses, etc.People contact or contact.The prosecutor did not accept the prosecution. After the High Court tried on the 10th, he believed that Zheng Wencan had a string witnesses. After investigation by the prosecutor, several defendants and witnesses were interpreted or repaid after questioning.People contact and contact.

The High Court said that the original ruling has been with the incident for many years, and Zheng has left the mayor of Taoyuan for more than a year and a half.The influence, Rong had room for re -consideration, revoked the rules of the traffic insurance on the 10th, and sent it back to the Taoyuan Earth Court. After the third court on the 11th, Zheng Wencan was forbidden to see.