The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China reiterated that the criminal measures listed in the previous punishment of judicial documents were only for the stubborn elements of Taiwan independence, not the majority of Taiwanese people.

Mainland China Judicial and National Security Organs jointly issued the opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules in accordance with the law and the state of stubbornly splitting the country and inciting the crime of national crimes, stipulating that stubborn "Taiwan independence" parts of the severe circumstances can be sentenced to death.wait.After the opinion was released, Lai Qingde, Taiwan, said that more than 90 % of the people in Taiwan may be affected, and the Taiwan MAC also promoted tourism to "orange".The Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland has recently emphasized that the punishment measures are only aimed at very few "Taiwan independence" stubborn elements.

According to the official website of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Mainland China, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded on Friday (July 12) in the form of answering reporters that the current situation of the Taiwan Strait is complex and serious.The Democratic Progressive Party stubbornly promoted the "Taiwan independence" division route and refused to acknowledge the "92 consensus" that reflects a China principle. It continues to linked external forces to "independence" provocation.The source of damage is chaotic.The punishment of "Taiwan independence" stubbornly split the country and incite the crime of splitting the country in accordance with the law is the meaning of defending national sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, and the righteousness of maintaining the common interests of people on both sides of the strait and the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation.Practice, reasonable and legal.

He pointed out that the opinions on punishing "Taiwan independence" stubborn molecules in accordance with the law clearly indicate that criminal punishment measures are clearly stated that criminal punishment measures are only aimed at very few "independence" words and deeds, and "independence" activities are rampant.The "Taiwan independence" stubborn stubborn, as well as the split country it implemented, and incite the criminal behavior of splitting the country.

Chen Binhua introduced that the crime of division includes four specific circumstances, namely to initiate and establish a "Taiwan independence" division organization, plan and formulate the "Taiwan independence" division action program, plan, and planOr other personnel implement the unified activities of the country and destroy the country; by formulating, modifying, interpreting, and abolition of relevant regulations of Taiwan or "citizen voting", etc., to change Taiwan to change Taiwan as part of the legal position in China;Participate international organizations or official exchanges, military contacts, etc., and make conspiracy to create "two China", "one middle and one", "Taiwan independence" in the international community;The field is distorted and tampering with Taiwan is part of China, or political parties, groups, and personnel who support the peaceful development of cross -strait relations and the national unity of the country.

He stated that this judicial document strictly formulated in accordance with the law, and the punishment objects are accurate without targeting and not involving the majority of Taiwan.Any political parties, groups, and personnel in Taiwan, as long as they do not divide the country, are Chinese and their families on both sides of the strait, and there is no obstacle to exchanges with the mainland.For those who have mistakenly changed their "Taiwan independence" but have a significant change in their positions, as long as they are no longer implemented "Taiwan independence" division activities, and measures can be taken to reduce and eliminate the consequences of harm.

Chen Binhua emphasized that the DPP and some "Taiwan independence" politicians deterred the tremendous pressure of judicial documents and maliciously manufactured information cocoon houses.Discident judicial documents, inciting cross -strait opposition, hindering cross -strait exchanges, widely disabled the people for the "Taiwan independence" back, seriously infringing the legitimate rights and interests of the majority of Taiwan people.Facts have proved that more and more Taiwanese people have seen through the Democratic Progressive Party's dangerous intentions, and are not deceived, scolded, and intimidation. They clearly expressed their unwillingness to be "independent of Taiwan" in various ways.Stubborn elements draw a clear boundary.