A Chinese citizen and a Chinese American who claimed to be "Li Na" invited to talk to the Philippines to talk about business. After arriving, he was abducted and killed.According to people familiar with the matter, the local police have determined "Li Na" and at least one other male involved in the case, of which "Li Na" comes from Taiwan.Police are still arrested people involved in the case, including "Li Na".

According to the surging news on Friday (July 5), according to the insiders, the local police have determined "Li Na" and at least one male involved in the case through photos, and lock in the case "Li Na"Identity, from Taiwan, is currently not in the Philippines.Police, including "Li Na", are still arrested.

The above -mentioned insiders said that similar criminal models have appeared before."It is understood that the name" Li Na "involves not only the abduction case."

The Philippine National Police's anti -abduction brigade was inquiring at noon on the same day that the case was still under investigation, and the specific information was not disclosed.

The Chinese Embassy in the Philippines announced on Tuesday (2nd) that a report from a Chinese citizen had been abducted in the Philippines for help, but the abducted person was eventually killed unfortunately.There is also a Chinese who was killed together.

It is understood that the two victims are engaged in the medical device industry and are divided into different companies.It was found to be killed on the day.