When the Taiwan fishing vessel incident was detained in mainland China, another fishing boat in Taiwan had been logged in and inspected.Two Taiwanese crew members in Taiwan fishing vessels were investigated on the Japanese official ship.

Comprehensive Taiwanese media reports such as Zhongshi News Network and Yiping News Network, Keelung Badouzi "Hong Kong Fuyang No. 266" fishing boat on Friday (July 5) was about northeast of Pengjiayu in the northeast of Pengjiayu288 nautical miles and 1.5 nautical miles outside the law enforcement line (2.77 kilometers) were inspected by the official ship of the Aquatic Aquatic Affairs Department.Among the eight people on the boat, the captain and two Taiwanese crew members were brought to the Japanese business vessels for investigation. The remaining six Indonesian crew members were stranded on the ship. At about 6 am, another Japanese official ship surrounded the Taiwan fishing vessels monitoring.Essence

After receiving the case of the Captain 118 of the "Hong Kong Fuyang No. 266" for about 6.50 am, the Taiwan Maritime Patrol Agency immediately dispatched Nantou ship to understand immediately.

It is understood that "Hong Kong Welfare Ocean No. 266" is fishing 1.5 nautical miles outside the law enforcement line.According to the Taiwan Strait Patrol Department, in accordance with the government and fishing standard operation procedures, when the fisherman of the Taiwan fishermen operate within the scope of fishing and is disturbed by foreign official ships, the government will send ships to protect fishing and assist in handling.When Taiwan fishermen operate outside the scope of fishing, when they are banned by foreign business vessels, the government will not send ships to protect fishing, but they will provide necessary diplomatic assistance in a timely manner.

The Taiwan Strait Patrol Department pointed out that this case was verified by the people stationed in Japan in this case.In violation of local fishery norms, it was banned by the official ship of the Aquatic Affairs Department of Japan.