The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will vote on the bill of reconstruction of the Affairs of the Legislative Yuan. The president of the Executive Yuan Zhuo Rongtai said that after the results of the recipients are released, if it is necessary to think of the Constitutional way of relief.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan United Daily, Central Broadcasting Station, etc., the Taiwan Legislative Yuan held a All -member Committee on Wednesday to Thursday (June 19th to 20th) to review the reconsideration bill proposed by the Executive Yuan's authority amendment of the Legislative Yuan, and and offered.Invited Zhuo Rongtai to the hospital to explain.The Taiwan Legislative Yuan will vote on Friday (21st).

The authority of the Legislative Yuan pushed by the Kuomintang and the people's party in Taiwan will exercise the law and practice the law and the criminal law related to the "contempt of the crime of contempt".Relying on the cause of the law to obstruct the difficulty of reconsideration.

Because the DPP does not have the majority of advantages in the Legislative Yuan, it is expected that the reconsideration will be difficult to pass.To this end, the DPP legislator Zhuang Ruixiong asked Zhuo Rongtai at the meeting that the reconsideration motion was likely not to pass. Whether the Executive Yuan was ready to explain the constitution.

Zhuo Rongtai replied: "Continue to work today. If the results of the resumption of the report will come out tomorrow, it is necessary to seek relief in another way in the Constitution. We will think about it again."

In addition, the DPP legislator Huang Jie quoted the poll data that most Taiwanese people supported the Legislative Yuan's reform, but also supported the Executive Yuan to propose a reconsideration and inquire about whether Zhuo Rongtai had conflicts.

Zhuo Rongtai said that the four words of "Congress reform" are definitely supported by everyone, because this means that the Legislative Yuan has higher confidence, efficiency, and legislative quality.

But he also pointed out that the public also saw that the provisions could not be discussed in the process of revision, and the quality of the content of the law could not be implemented, and the number of people at the scene and the number of voters did not meet.Seeing these major flaws, the people were willing to stand up.

Zhuo Rongtai called on the legislators of the Legislative Yuan to work together to make the people not need to work so hard.

Huang Jie responded to Zhuo Rongtai. She supported the Legislative Yuan's reform. Many people also supported it, but everyone did not support the reform of the Legislative Yuan of the Blue and white version.Don't deceive the people with words.

In addition, the reconsideration of Friday is likely not to be passed.Wu Siyao, the DPP Legislative Yuan, said that the DPP has never launched a discussion of limb violence or excessive disciplinary cups in the parliament.The Democratic Progressive Party will adhere to the court and let the voting go smoothly without maliciously toasting.