The Pentagon of the United States announced that the US State Department has approved the sale of 291 unmanned machine systems to Taiwan at a price of 300 million US dollars (S $ 405 million).

The United States Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) issued a press release on Tuesday (June 18) in the Eastern Time to announce that under the request of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative (TeCRO), the United States will be widening.There are up to 291 ALTIUS 600M-V UAV systems in Taiwan, including weapons and equipment such as drone cruise ammunition, as well as engineering, technology, logistics and other related services provided by the US government and contractors. The estimated total costs reached 300 millionDollar.

The press release said that the main contractor of the military sales case was Anduril, which is located in Atlanta, Georgia.The military sales case will require five US government and representatives of 12 contractors to provide support for on -site equipment, training and project management for two years.

In addition, the US National Defense Safety Cooperation Agency also announced that it will sell 720 "Spring Knife 300" drone and anti -loading armor wandering missile system to Taiwan. It is estimated that the cost is about 60.2 million US dollars.The U.S. Defense Security Cooperation will notify the US Congress on the day of the military sales case.

The press release said that the two military sales cases served the US countries, economic and security interests, and will support Taiwan to continue to work hard to promote the modernization of the army to maintain reliable defense capabilities and improve Taiwan's response to the current and future.The ability to threaten.

The press release also said that these two military sales and the United States' support for Taiwan will not change the basic military balance in the Taiwan Strait area, which will help maintain Taiwan's political stability, military balance and economic development.

The US Media Washington Post quoted the published American officers on June 10 that the United States plans to deploy thousands of unmanned submarines and new drones to try to make the Taiwan Strait a "hell scene" (HelloScape), to defeat the military operations of mainland China to attack Taiwan.

But the article also said that one of the obstacles of this strategy is that the United States has severely delayed military delivery of Taiwan.

Earlier this month, the US National Defense Safety Cooperation Agency announced that it would sell Taiwan for sale of US $ 300 million in related military equipment such as F-16 fighters for backup and repair parts.