The official data of Taiwan shows that the average height of the local 18 -year -old men decreased by 1.2 cm, and the height of the same age of women rose.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and ETTODAY News Cloud reported on Monday (June 10), the survey results of the Ministry of Health and Welfare showed that the average height of 18 -year -old men in Taiwan was from 173.3 cm from 2013 to 2016 to 2017 to 2017By 172.1 cm in 2020.

The average height of 18 -year -old women in Taiwan was 159.7 cm from 2005 to 2008. From 2013 to 2016 to 160.7 cm, from 2017 to 2020, it increased to 162.1 cm.

Li Hongchang, the chairman of the Taiwan Pediatric Medical Association and the Honorary Chief Honorary Physician of the Pediatrics of Ma Yi Hospital, said that according to clinical observations, Taiwan women have become higher and higher in recent years, which is related to the prosperity of women's sports.

Li Hongchang explained that in the past, girls were taught to be quiet and encouraged indoor activities rather than outdoor sports. However, with the gradual decrease in the gender stereotypes of Taiwan, parents also encouraged their daughters to exercise more.When women start exercise and nutrition is relatively balanced, they begin to get higher and higher.

Li Hongchang also pointed out that long -term is closely related to Hermont's secretion, and said that the reason why Taiwanese youth clinics are full, because Taiwanese young people have to face the multiple pressures of families, society, and schools.Diseases lead to endocrine disorders, which affect growth hormone.In addition, the society's requirements for men's height are getting higher and higher, and the past 170 cm has been quite standard, but now even parents believe that no 178 cm is short.

Luo Fusong, the chief physician of the Children's Endocrine and Genesis Department of Chang Geng Hospital, Linkou, also pointed out that local children's endocrine clinics have been full recently.Pay attention to a balanced diet, sufficient sleep and moderate exercise.