Reuters quoted four people familiar with the matter and said that some Chinese artificial intelligence (AI) chip companies are currently designing processors with weak design functions in order to sanction in the United States.Delivery manufacturer TSMC is produced.

According to Reuters on Wednesday (June 5), in order to prevent the Chinese military from making breakthroughs in the field of artificial intelligence and super computing, Washington has implemented the high -precision processor and chip manufacturing equipment of Nvidia and other companies.A series of export control.These restrictions also prevents TSMC using American chip manufacturing tools and other overseas chip manufacturers to accept production orders.

People familiar with the matter said that the latest round of export control implemented by the United States last October exposed the limitations of China's advanced chip production capacity, and the degree of dependence on TSMC by China artificial intelligence chip design company.

Two people familiar with the matter revealed that the two top artificial intelligence chip companies in China Metax and ENFLAME (ENFLAME) submitted a chip design to TSMC at the end of 2023 to comply with the United StatesThe restrictions.The two companies have previously claimed that their chips can be comparable to Nvidia's graphics processors.

Two people familiar with the matter said that Mu Xi, headquartered in Shanghai, developed a surrender product called C280, saying that the company's most advanced graphics processor C500 has been missing in China earlier this year.goods.Mu Xi did not respond to Reuters' comment request.

The headquarters is also located in Shanghai and established in 2018, and has not responded to Reuters' comment request.The supporters of Takaraki Technology, including Chinese technology giant Tencent, raised funds of US $ 2.7 billion (S $ 3.635 billion) last year.

TSMC refused to comment on individual customers, only saying that the company cooperated with customers to ensure that it complied with judicial jurisdiction related to its operation.

According to Reuters, Mu Xi and Mathaohara Technology are both called "little giants", that is, newly -founded enterprises that have the potential to develop in key areas and have been valued by Chinese officials, which makes them qualified to get qualifications to gainState support.

Since the tension between China and the United States in 2018, China has increased its independent research and development efforts of chips and injected a lot of funds into the field.

China set up the largest semiconductor investment fund ever last month, and the scale of fundraising far exceeded the previous two issues.