Taiwan Lai Qingde attended the opening ceremony of the Taipei International Computer Exhibition on Tuesday (June 4), hoping to call on the business community and jointly build Taiwan to become an artificial intelligence island.

The Taiwan government announced on the official website. In the opening ceremony, Lai Qingde said that in order to build Taiwan to become an artificial intelligence island, the government will stabilize power supply and provide diversified green electricity in the future.Computers and continuously cultivate talents.

Lai Qingde expects that the business community will continue to support the government and invest in Taiwan in the future, allowing artificial intelligence to develop, sustainable in Taiwan, and more innovative applications. At the same time, let more than 1 million small and medium -sized enterprises in TaiwanMaking artificial intelligence island is not just a conceptual goal, but can produce substantial functions of Taiwan's economic development.

他感谢英伟达执行长黄仁勋捐赠第一台超级电脑给台湾,以及台积电愿意支付每年部分营运费用,并说未来如有需要,政府将投注建置符合需求的超级电脑,提供The use of production and government research has allowed Taiwan to continue to develop.

Lai Qingde also promises that the government will continue to cultivate talents including ICT (information and communication technology) industries, wafer manufacturing, semiconductor and artificial intelligence, so that Taiwan's goal of artificial intelligence island can be achieved.

According to the Liberty Times, Taipei International Computer Exhibition has gathered in the stars, and Huang Renxun and Chairman of Chaowei (AMD) Su Zifeng and other high -level science and technology factories all went to Taiwan.