Wang Yichuan, CEO of the DPP Policy Council of Taiwan, said that he could use mobile phone positioning to analyze and rally of the masses, which caused the outside world to question whether the government used mobile phones to monitor the people.The Taiwan Legislative Yuan Transportation Committee passed a temporary proposal on Monday (June 3) to ask Taiwan's National Communications Commission (NCC) to check whether the personal data of telecommunications was not leaked, and a written report was submitted by July 15.

Wang Yichuan said in the Sanli News program that he could analyze the age of the masses participating in the actions of the Jade Bird through mobile phone signal positioning, and whether it overlapped with the people participating in the solar flower movement.Questions that the Democratic Progressive Party blatantly made political investigations with "national machines".

Although Wang Yichuan quickly explained afterwards, it was the use of the "mobile signaling data analysis method" to obtain the abortion characteristics analysis through mobile signals, which is the basic method of investigation of the business market.However, all localities, departmental agencies, and enterprises have stated that it is difficult to use mobile phone signals to analyze the age and political party tendencies, and doubt how Wang Yichuan obtains relevant information.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily and Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council Transportation Committee passed a temporary proposal on Monday, which pointed out that under the premise of non -proper legal authorization, obtaining unsatisfactory mass information for political investigation for political investigationThe analysis of the data of prevention and mass movement may violate relevant regulations such as communication guarantee and supervision laws, and personal data protection laws. It has the intention of violation of human rights protection, and it will damage the image of free and democracy in Taiwan.

In order to clarify the dispute, the proposal requires that the NCC will investigate the presidential vice president, the mayor directly under the jurisdiction and the county mayor of the political activities within one year before July 15th.Whether the funding is not used or leaked, and submit a written report to the Communications Commission.

During the inquiry period, Chunghwa Telecom stated that it did not provide information to Wang Yichuan.Provide relevant analysis materials, and many materials are contour data, and there will be no personal information.

According to the written report provided by NCC, the department has invited the three major telecommunications companies in Taiwan last Thursday (May 30) Chunghwa Telecom, Yuanchuan Telecom, and Taiwan Brother.All three companies say that there are no private enterprises, government agencies, or specific party members requesting relevant people flow information about Bluebird Action, nor have any flow information to other units or people.