Wang Yichuan, executive chief of the DPP Policy Council in Taiwan, analyzed the conversation between the masses of the masses with mobile phone signals positioning, triggering the "national machine" monitoring the people's doubts.The relevant units of the Taiwan government have made no such incidents in the past few days, and said that the three major telecommunications operators did not provide any information to Wang Yichuan.

The Democratic Progressive Party previously emphasized that when the Legislative Yuan will review the Reform Act of the Legislative Yuan in late May, the Bluebird Action Spontaneous, not the Democratic Progressive Party.

However, Guo Shuiyi, chairman of Chunghwa Telecom Corporation on Monday (June 3), replied to the Kuomintang legislator Xu Qiaoxin in the Legislative Yuan that during the blue bird operation, Chunghwa Telecom did receive the DPP legislators and external units hoping to strengthenRequirements for mobile phone signals.

Wang Yichuan said on the Green Sanli News Political Science Program last week that they can Analyze the positioning of the mobile signal to analyze it in the Legislative YuanThe age and political tendencies of the blue bird operations , confirmed that these people and the people's party 519 activities and the night before this year were different people.The opposition party strongly criticized that this was a political investigation of the DPP government and reported to the relevant units that the Taipei City Procuratorate was under investigation.

Wang Yichuan's own statement has also changed again and again. The latest way of telling is "I know people, ... I know if I want to use my knees."The implication is that there is no specific information, and it is far from last week.

Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai said that if there are some misunderstandings, he hopes to clarify as soon as possible.If there is a progress that has entered the scope of the investigation, it is also hoped that the inspection unit will announce the results of all the investigations to the society as soon as possible, so that everyone will feel at ease and let the entire incident end early.

The Legislative Council Transportation Committee invited the Digital Development Department, the National Communications Commission (NCC), the Ministry of Legal Data Protection Committee, and Chunghwa Telecom, and the National Telecom of the Legislative Council.Evil the people's rights and interests "to violate people's rights and interests" conduct special reports and prepare for inquiries.

NCC chairman Chen Yaoxiang said that according to the results of the NCC survey, the three major telecommunications companies did not provide any information from Wang Yichuan.

For Wang Yichuan's mention of the positioning of the mobile phone signal to make some cross -comparison, Chen Yaoxiang admits that it is feasible, but it must be based on regulations, and it takes a certain time to have a certain difficulty.

Zhang Qikai, the party legislator of the People's Party, said that his office had called the data company mentioned by Wang Yichuan to confirm that the company was comparable to the proportion of non -duplicate people at different times and activities, which was in line with Wang Yichuan's statement.He questioned whether the information of the three telecommunications companies had an outflow, and asked NCC and other relevant units to investigate the matter.

After Wang Yichuan later changed his mouth to "know with your knees", he was regarded as spreading false information. Chen Yaoxiang said that respecting the style of each famous mouth, if there is a violation of the facts, it will be handled according to law.

Chen Yaoxiang confirmed that some audiences appealed to the NCC's complaint on the content of the Sanli News Station in violation of facts; if there is any violation of the facts, they will be handled according to law.Wang Yichuan, who was reported to the NCC on the spot at the Kuomintang legislator Wang Hongwei and others.

The Transportation Commission passed a temporary proposal and requested that the NCC to investigate the individual information held by the three telecommunications industry in the past year. Whether it was leaked by improper leakage and submitted a written report by July 15.