After the Taiwan Legislative Yuan completed the third reading of the Reform Act, the sound of the supervisory court reappeared.The Kuomintang legislators proposed on Monday (June 3) proposed that the abolition of the hospital was abolished, frozen first.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Liberty reported that the Kuomintang legislators Luo Zhiqiang, Lin Peixiang, Huang Jianhao, Wang Hongwei, Xu Qiaoxin and others said at a press conference held by the Legislative Yuan, thanking the Democratic Progressive Party for proposing to abolish the constitutional amendment of the Supervisory InstituteIt also said that the DPP indirectly acknowledged the supervisor Chen Ju and the Supervisory Committee Gao Yongcheng's "bad" supervisory institute, and then it would advocate the abolition of the regulatory court.

These legislators also said that since the DPP is willing to abolish the DPP East Factory Supervision Institute, the Kuomintang does not make sense and does not support it., And report to the Kuomintang Central Committee.

These four points are the non -waste rights, frozen and abolition, and rejection of the right of personnel consent, and the referendum on the abolition of the supervisory institute.The presidential election was held together.

Luo Zhiqiang explained that the threshold for the constitutional amendment was extremely high. The constitutional re -decision must be more than half of the total number of voting rights, so at least 9.6 million people have approved the votes to pass.Such a high threshold is impossible to pass the constitutional referendum (referendum) separately. Only with the large elections, it is possible to pass it under a high voting rate.

Under the separation of the five powers, Taiwan has the five hospitals in administration, legislation, justice, examination, and supervision.Public Television News Network reported in 2020 that the rights consent of the supervisory committee and the examination members were nominated by the president and the Legislative Yuan agreed.

It is reported that to this day, the president has been changed to a direct election, and the legislator is also the result of most public opinion decisions. The people can replace the unsuitable ruling team through votes.Beyond the party and escape the color of serving the ruling party, whether the two houses should exist, questioning the sound is always constantly.

After the Third Reading of the Legislative Yuan Reform Act, the Supervision Institute issued a statement saying that the exclusive supervisory institutes such as investigations and reading rights stipulated in the Constitution were exercised.The interpretation of the framework, the procedure has not been complete, and it has violated the separation of power; before the constitutional amendment, the courts should still respect the system of five powers and constitutional government.

Fu Kunzheng, the convener of the Kuomintang Group, emphasized that the Judge's interpretation No. 585 is very clear. The Legislative Yuan has the right to investigate."We will definitely abolish the supervisor of the fertilizer cat."

The DPP legislator Chen Tingfei also proposed a constitutional amendment, advocating the abolition of the examination institute and the supervisory office, and incorporated the power of the two institutes into the Executive Yuan and the Legislative Yuan.