Illustrated Reuters/Andrew Kelly

TIKTOK, a short video social media platform, attracted more than 2 million fans in TIKTOK, a Presidential Candidate in the United States.The platform was owned by Chinese bytes. When he served as president, he tried to ban the platform on the grounds of national security.

Trump posted the first video on the address of the address for @Realdonaldtrump on Saturday night, with more than 34 million playback volume.The video showed that Trump greeted his supporters in a ultimate fighting champion in New Sawak in New Jersey.

The decision to settle in this platform may help Trump's support from young voters on the third campaign president.The United States will hold a presidential election on November 5. Trump is fighting fiercely with Democratic candidate Bynden.

Biden has launched a campaign in TIKTOK and has 336,000 fans. Although Biden signed a bill, if the medium -byte beating does not peel off the application of 170 million U.S. users, he will ban this application.Essence

Trump tried to disable Tiktok in 2020 when he served as president, but was stopped by the court.He said in March this year that the platform was a threat to national security, but at the same time, it was said that banning the platform hurting some young people and only strengthening the strength of Meta Platforms under Facebook, and he has strongly criticized Facebook.

** American people may reach the "explosion point" **

Trump said he was convicted by the New York jury last week that he was willing to accept it under house arrest or imprisonment, but it would be difficult for the public.

"I am not sure whether the people will accept this decision," said in an interview with Fox News, which was broadcast on Sunday, "I think the public is difficult to accept. You know, to a certain extent, there will be an explosion point."

Trump did not explain in detail what he thought if that point could happen.He will be sentenced to sentencing on July 11.The Republican Party will hold a national congress on July 15 to officially select the party's presidential candidate to match the Democratic President Biden in the November election.

When asked what to do if Trump was sentenced to prison, what should his supporters do, Lara Trump, co -chairman of the Republican Commission (RNC), told the United States CNN (CNN): "Well, they willDo what they do from the beginning is to keep calm and protest in front of the voting box on November 5.P>

Trump used his guilty verdict to increase fundraising efforts, but did not try to mobilize supporters in other ways, which was in sharp contrast to his approach to Biden in the 2020 election.

Lara Trump said that the RNC and Trump campaign team raised $ 70 million within 48 hours after the verdict, and Reuters could not verify this number independently.When asked how much funds would be used to pay legal costs and how much for campaign activities, she refused to disclose.

After the results of the judgment were announced, some Trump supporters inverted the US flag.For more than 200 years, the flag has been a symbol of suffering or protest in the United States.

Trump vowed to appeal to the conviction of the New York jury. The jury determined that he forged documents before the 2016 election to cover up the charges of covering a sealing fee to a porn star.

This incident is unlikely to be resolved before the presidential election in November, and Trump will seek to recapture the president from Bayeng.The polls show that the competition between the two is very fierce, and it shows that Trump's conviction may damage his support rate among Republican voters and independent people.

Trump's lawyer Will Scharf told ABC News about this Week program that he expects Trump to "will not be sentenced to any punishment in the end" and plans to submit the case to the Supreme Court.