Wang Yichuan, CEO of the DPP Policy Council, recently claimed that it was possible to use mobile phone signal positioning to analyze the age and other materials of participating in the assembly parade, which caused the DPP government to monitor the people's doubts.The Kuomintang in the wild plans to understand the matter in the investigation team of the Legislative Yuan group, while the People's Party demanded that the Minister of Legal Affairs Zheng Mingqian was investigated in accordance with the law.

The DPP spokesman Wu Yan responded on Wednesday (May 29) that Wang Yichuan's media review made by various data analysis and investigations in the reference of Wang Yichuan reference, and there are no issues involving personal data.Wang Yichuan himself was hidden.

Wang Yichuan Monday (May 27) revealed in the pro -Green Political Act show that they participated in the age, gender and other information of the "Blue Bird Action" outside the Legislative Yuan through the positioning of mobile phone signals to confirm and vote for the election early this year.The night of Taoism, and the "small grass" of the people's party protested by the Central Party Department of the Democratic Progressive Party on May 19 is different people.

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately set off waves in politics.Wang Yichuan quickly explained that it was the use of the "mobile signaling data analysis method" to obtain abortion characteristics analysis through mobile signals. It is the basic method for investigation of the business market. In the past, Taipei Lantern Festival and New North Christmas also conducted big data analysis.

But the mayor of Taipei, the mayor of the Kuomintang, said that the Taipei Municipal Government held New Year's Eve activities and lantern festivals and other activities.It will involve personal capital.

He believes that if you can master the social behavior and political tendencies through mobile phone positioning, and even know what activities are participating in, in democratic countries, it has violated human rights and related privacy, and has illegal concerns.

The Tainan City Government, including the New Taipei City and the DPP governed by the Kuomintang, also said that Wang Yichuan said that the number of people during the large -scale event has been estimated to the number of people.wait.

The Minister of the Internal Affairs Liu Shifang and the Director of Police Zhang Rongxing emphasized during the Legislative Yuan that the police would never use a mobile signal to locate the public when performing the service of the masses.Liu Shifang said that I do n’t know where the source of the information came from, “I should ask Wang Yichuan.”

Guoan Director Cai Mingyan said that if government agencies need to ask the telecommunications operator to obtain user information, the process is very rigorous. The law must be approved by the High Court.Cases are used.Because Wang Yichuan has stated that it is a private business activity and telecommunications cooperation plan, the National Security Bureau does not comment.

The party group of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan held a press conference to criticize. The DPP blatantly used national machines for political investigation, which is proven to prove the need for the investigation and hearing right of the Legislative Yuan through the third reading of the Legislative Yuan.After the announcement of the law, the Legislative Yuan will form an investigation team to understand the case.

When the Party Legislative Yuan of the People's Party Legislative Court called Huang Guochang inquiring about Zheng Mingqian, he criticized the incident that it was too outrageous and directly reported to Zheng Mingqian and asked to investigate in accordance with the law.Zheng Mingqian said that if it involves Article 228 of the Criminal Procedure Law, the prosecutor will intervene in the investigation.

The Taipei Procuratorate has been investigated in the case of "He", which will be investigated by the prosecutor to clarify whether there is an illegal situation.

When the Legislative President Han Yu was running for president in 2019, legislator Xie Longjie once broke the news that the relevant unit monitored the Korean fan mobile phone.Zhongtian TV, which had not been revoked at the time, reported that the news reported that the news was also fined by the Taiwan National Communications Commission (NCC).