The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun in the wild in Taiwan has criticized the President Lai Qingde on Wednesday (May 29), and faced the relationship between the Chairman of the Democratic Progressive Party from the perspective of the Democratic Progressive Party, and said, "Everyone has not seen our president yet.And what I saw was the Chairman of Lai Qingde of the DPP.At the end, the interests of political parties exceeded the interests of Taiwan, and the interests of the DPP surpassed the interests of the people.

Zhu Lilun said that the two sides of the strait have been in danger in the past 10 days. Taiwan is not safe. Everyone sees the trouble of the head of the house.

He questioned that Taiwan was unsafe, the society was not stable, the people were uneasy.

Zhu Lilun called on Lai Qingde to "quickly return to the real role" and use the height and broad mind of the president to face the expectations of the whole people to make the two sides of the strait more peaceful, Taiwan is more secure, make the country and the country more harmonious, the society is more stable, and the society is more stable.Because this is the government's responsibility, it is the most important responsibility of the president.