Taiwan Guoan Director Cai Mingyan believes that the main purpose of the launch of Taiwan in mainland China was to scare Taiwan instead of the war, and it is said that the doubt of the United States, suspicion, and suspicion are the mainland cognitive operations operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operation operationThe focus.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and the Central Radio reported that Cai Mingyan told reporters at the Legislative Yuan on Wednesday (May 29) that the mainland started the military exercise, the purpose was to publicize the inside and declare Beijing and the outside world.The situation in the Taiwan Strait has absolute main control.

Cai Mingyan said that during the training process, mainland China mobilized the maritime police formation to conduct law enforcement inspections around the Taiwan Strait and exterior island -related waters, showing its law enforcement and jurisdiction in the Taiwan Strait area.Especially wanting to sea the Taiwan Strait.

Cai Mingyan analyzed that during the military exercise, the cognitive operations operation of the mainland was very frequent, and the operation focus was on suspicion of beauty, that is, the ability of the United States to cooperate against Taiwan;The ability of self -defense; and suspicion, questioning the ability of the new president Lai Qingde to manage cross -strait relations.

According to the United Daily report, the National Security Bureau predicts in the written report information that in the future, the PLA Taiwan Strait exercises may tend to be normal.C and other series of exercises.

Cai Mingyan also said during the inquiry of the Legislative Yuan's diplomatic and national defense committees that mainland China will operate and communicate with various groups in mainland China, local public opinion representatives.Essence