After two days of military exercises in China, in China, Michael McCord, a member of the Dhakesas, stood next to Lai Qingde, who stood in Taiwan on Monday, a newly elected Lai Qingde, and issued a commitment.

"The United States must maintain the ability to resist any force or coercion that may endanger the safety of the people of Taiwan," said McCawal, chairman of the Foreign Affairs Commission."This is our position, and we have been talking about."

This week, Republican McCal went to Taipei with a delegation composed of a two -party member. He said that this was to show that the US government and Lai Qingde and Taiwan stood together.

This week's visit was about tense moment: Lai Qingde swore to work, and vowed to defend Taiwan's sovereignty a few days later, China responded to surround this autonomous island with warships and military planes.Before the members of the members arrived in Taiwan, China had publicly warned them to "abide by a Chinese principle" and "not arrange parliament members to visit Taiwan."

Just a few days ago, China "a two -day exercise for Taiwan's launch, expressing dissatisfaction with the election of Lai Qingde", Taiwan Foreign Minister Lin Jialong said to McCawal at a press conference on Monday.

"It can be said that at this critical moment, this is a powerful display," Lin Jialong also said.

Although many Republicans in Congress opposed to continue to provide military assistance to Ukraine, support for Taiwan is still a large extent for the joint efforts of the two parties.Some conservatives believe that the United States should withdraw investments in Ukraine and instead strengthen the deterrent in the Indo -Pacific region.In April this year, the House of Representatives passed a bill to provide US $ 8 billion aid to Taiwan with 385 votes over 34 votes.

"Although there are controversy about other battlefields, I can tell you that there are no differences and objections on the Taiwan issue," McCawal said.

But the deep challenge still exists.Although there is almost no political obstacle to the provision of new assistance to Taiwan, the unprepared weapons and military equipment orders in the United States have increased to nearly $ 20 billion.Washington has not yet been delivered to some weapon systems provided to Taiwan in 2020.

Eric Gomez, a researcher at the Kito Society of Washington, and a co -researcher, continued to evaluate the delay in delivery. He said that so far, the largest part of the unpacking orders is that the Trump administration is inThe 66 F-16 fighters approved in 2019 accounted for more than 40%of the backlog order.Other projects waiting in Taiwan include the fish fork coast defense system, the mobile rocket launcher named Himars, and the Abrams tank.

Gomez said that the additional 8 billion US dollars of military expenditures approved by Congress to support Taiwan and the Asia -Pacific region will not have much impact on the backlog problem.This payment includes $ 1.9 billion. The Pentagon can release weapons from the US inventory, transport it to Taiwan, and then use this money to supplement US inventory.But Gomez said the inventory of the United States was "not enough to provide these weapons."

In addition, supporters of Taiwan are also increasingly worried. Western allies led by the United States will fall into other tricky conflicts such as Ukraine and the Middle East, thereby further weakening their ability to transport weapons to Taiwan.

"I don't want anyone to think that because of the problem of Ukraine, we cannot support Taiwan," he also said."It is the old NATO equipment that is transported to Ukraine; it is brand new that is transported to Taiwan. But I just think that our national defense industry foundation has now operated over load and cannot handle so many conflicts in the world."

Lai Qingde made a speech in the office that the United States played a key role in helping the people of Taiwan's "defending homeland".He praised the "concept of peace to bring peace" in Liman.Reagan is the favorite of conservatives, especially Mike Johnson, Speaker of the House of Representatives, often cited his words.

"Looking forward to the support of your future, the U.S. Congress continues to use various legislation to assist Taiwan to strengthen its self -defense capabilities," Lai Qingde said.

McCord said that the purpose of the delegation was to show the promise of members of the members.He said that after Congress passed the huge aid programs in Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan, he and other Republicans had little opposition, which made him feel excited.

"You can see the impact of this voting," McCord said."This has an impact on real life; this is not a political game. It has a real impact on both here and Ukraine."

Visit delegations include McCawal and California Republican Republican, Kim Yingyu, South Carolina Republican Joe Wilson, California Democrat Jimmy Payneta, Kentucky Republican Andy Ballet, and Pennsylvania DemocraticCrees Hulahan.