After the mainland Chinese military announced the exercise around Taiwan, the Taiwan MAC called on Beijing to stop irrational military provocations and communicate and talk with the legal government of Taiwan to seek mutual benefit.

The Taiwan Mandarin Committee issued a press release on the official website on Thursday (May 23) stating that it expressed strong protests and dissatisfaction with the mainland's joint training on the Taiwan Strait and Golden Horse.Provocation.

The Taiwan MAC said that according to the recent polls, 92.6%of the Taiwanese people did not agree with the main military warships to continue to move around Taiwan.Beijing should fully understand the unable to fight for people's hearts, which will only cause cross -strait opposition to increase and regional situation turbulence.

The Taiwan Mandarin Committee said that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is a topic of concern. At present, the international is also highly concerned about the situation on the two sides of the strait, and it is called on the mainland not to threaten Taiwan by military.The Taiwan MAC also urged Beijing and Taiwan to have a legal government to communicate and dialogue to seek mutual benefit.

The Eastern theater of the Liberation Army in Mainland China announced on the beginning of Thursday that from May 23rd to 24th, the troops of the theater army, navy, air force, and rockets were organized to carry out the "United Sword -20124A" exercise around Taiwan Island.EssenceIn addition, the Mainland Maritime Police also announced that the Fujian Maritime Police conducted comprehensive law enforcement drills in the nearby waters near Wuqiuyu and Dongyin Island, which was controlled by the Fujian Maritime Police on Thursday.

The CCTV News subsequently published a comment article on the military exercise, describing the exercise as a justice of maintaining national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and a resolute punishment for Taiwan Lai Qingde's provocative behavior.