On the occasion of Mainland China on Thursday (May 23) in Taiwan, the US Association (AIT) Chairman Rosenberg appeared at the Taiwan Executive Yuan at a sensitive moment to work with the Executive Yuan of the Executive Yuan.Ji Liancheng met with a government committee member.The Executive Yuan emphasized that this trip has been arranged.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, the United States has repeatedly urged Taiwan to strengthen the national defense mobilization.When Laura Rosenberger met with Ji Liancheng, he was expected to touch the issue of the United States concerned.

Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai hosted the first Executive Yuan meeting after taking office on Thursday.Rosenberg and the US Director of the United States at the Taiwan Association, Sandra Oudkirk, appeared at the Executive Yuan at about 8:10 in the morning and left at about 9:15. The Executive Yuan will start at 9:30.

Chen Shikai, a spokesman for the Executive Yuan, said that there is a part of whether there is a part of the national defense in the process of AIT's visit, I believe that there are many full communication and discussions from the past.As for whether I mentioned in the process of the visit Ji Liancheng, because he hadn't met Ji Liancheng, he couldn't answer.

Chen Shikai said that the purpose of the trip was to congratulate Ji Liancheng and say that Rosenberg and Ji Liancheng are old consciousness.

Public information shows that Ji Liancheng has served as the deputy commander of the Taiwan Army and served as a administrative member of the Executive Yuan on May 20 this year.Executive Dean Zhuo Rongtai once said that Yaosheng Liancheng served as a member of the government affairs. In the future, he will take advantage of his majors in national defense, disaster relief and national defense to strengthen the toughness of Taiwan's society and national security toughness.

Chen Shikai also said that AIT would have visited various government units in Taiwan at all. Sun Xiaoya also went to the Executive Yuan on May 21 to meet with Zhuo Rongtai.It has already been arranged.

Chen Shikai denied that Rosenberg attended the Executive Yuan meeting, and said that Rosenberg ended the meeting before the start of the Executive Yuan.Did not meet with Zhuo Rongtai.

The US Association announced earlier that a cross -party delegation will attend the inaugural ceremony of Lai Qingde, the new president of Taiwan, and Rosenberg has accompanied them.

The Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun in the wild in Taiwan hosted a banquet on Tuesday (May 21) to receive Rosenberg, and emphasized that deepening Taiwan -US relations has the support of cross -party factions in Taiwan.