After the Chinese mainland announced in many places in Taiwan, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense released a video, emphasizing that in the face of irrational provocations in mainland China, the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan will adhere to the "preparation of war, not fighting for war,"Will ensure Taiwan's safety.

The Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense uploaded a video of about 44 seconds at noon on Thursday (May 23), the title "Guarding Free Democracy and Defending National Sovereignty".Editing videos of combat reserve exercises.

In the video, it is also written in the Chinese and English bilingual subtitles: "Facing the irrational provocations of the Eastern theater of the Communist Party of China, destroying regional peace and stability, the Ministry of National Defense has dispatched sea, empty and ground troops to respond to actual situations with actual situationAction guards freedom and democracy and defends the sovereignty of the Republic of China., Ensure national security and jointly guard the beautiful home.Sword -20124A "military exercise.

A spokesman for the Eastern theater, Li Yan, said that the military exercise was to punish the split forces of Taiwan's independence for "independence" and seriously warned external forces to interfere and provoke.

Bo Honghui, deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense, judged on Thursday. Compared with the military exercise of Perosi, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Perosi, this exercise should be the main control of the region, but the international internationalUnexpectedly this unilateral change of regional peace and stability.