The Mainland Military Army announced on Thursday (May 23) that after the exercise around Taiwan, the Kuomintang in Taiwan called for restraint on the other side and cherished the peace on both sides of the strait.

The Kuomintang called on the official website of the official website to respond to the rigorous response of the Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan, and in particular should inform the people of Taiwan that the mainland military "whether to cross the central line of the strait or the twelve sea collar sea"Essence

The press release stated that the Kuomintang has urged to restrain the other side, stop unnecessary measures, avoid the conflict between the Taiwan Strait, and cherish the achievements of peaceful development on both sides of the strait.

The Kuomintang believes that in addition to Taiwan's military exercise, the mainland military also specially points out that Golden Gate, Matsu, Wuqiu, and Dongyin also specially point out.And measure whether to upgrade combat reserve to ensure Guoan.

The press release said that the United States did not want to have abnormal movements in the mainland before the work of Taiwan before. Now that Lai Qingde has 520, the mainland will increase pressure on Taiwan.The Kuomintang hopes that the new Secretary -General of the National Security Council Wu Zhaozheng and the Minister of Defense Gu Lixiong, in addition to verbally condemned, must also propose a pragmatic and effective response method.

The Kuomintang also said: "Support all the actions of defending the interests of the Republic of China, and also hope that the relevant heads of the new government can exert positive functions to ensure that the people in Taiwan are safe."

Mainland ChinaThe PLA Eastern theater announced on the beginning of Thursday that from May 23rd to 24th, the troops such as the army, navy, air force, and Rockets of the theater will organize the "Union Sword -20124A" exercise around Taiwan Island.The strong punishment of the "independence" act, a serious warning of interference in external forces.

The CCTV News published a comment article on Military Express on Thursday, describing the exercise as a move to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and is a resolute punishment for Taiwan's provocative behavior.

Lai Qingde Monday (May 20) In his inauguration, he emphasized that cross -strait is not affiliated with each other.

In addition to the joint exercise of the Eastern theater, the mainland Maritime Police also announced that the Fujian Maritime Police conducted comprehensive law enforcement drills in the nearby waters near Wuqiuyu Island and Dongyin Island, which was controlled by Taiwan on Thursday.