Taiwan Cai Yingwen Monday (May 20), Taiwan (May 20)She will step down. She posted a post on Sunday (19th) on social platforms. Thanks to the world for supporting Taiwan, and emphasizing that Taiwan will continue to work with global partners to create more cooperation results.

Tsai Ing -wen said in the post that Taiwan has adhered to the spirit of practical diplomatic and mutual assistance in the past eight years, and continued to deepen cooperative relations with countries and ideas.

She described Taiwan's current Taiwan, not only the world's Taiwan, but also in regional peace and global economic and trade development, playing a key role.

Cai Yingwen said: "In the past eight years, the world not only saw Taiwan, but Taiwan also participated in major changes in the world. We firmTogether. "

She believes that the new government will continue to move forward with all countries on the road of democracy and freedom, and build more cooperation results with tenacious and democratic Taiwan.

On the other hand, the Taiwan United Daily reported that the new President Lai Qingde will publish a speech on "Building a Democratic and Peaceful Taiwan" at the inauguration ceremony on Monday.In terms of regional affairs and cross -strait issues, Lai Qingde expressed a policy position that was not humble and maintained the status quo, and demanded that the two sides of the strait pursued the goodwill of peace and prosperity.

Reported sources said that Lai Qingde will continue the tone of the speech of the victory on January 13, explaining that after the people's democratic journey is tested by the people, he will lead the ruling team to take the lead and welcome the future. "Continue to continue."Ahead of the right road", showing a basic attitude of the new government team steady, confident, responsible and united.