The inaugural ceremony of Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde appeared on Monday (May 20). The Taiwan’ s sea, land and air forces all entered a state of key combat reserve.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and Agence France -Presse reported that after Lai Qingde and Xiao Meiqin swore on Monday morning, they officially worked as the new Taiwan and vice president.The Taiwan Government revealed that Lai Qingde's inaugural speech will release goodwill to mainland China with "cross -strait pursuit of peace and prosperity together".

However, with the frequency of military exercises in mainland China in the Taiwan Strait in recent weeks, the Taiwan National Defense Ministry of Defense has recalled all pilots on Sunday (May 19) to return to the army.The fighter plane needs to be mounted on Monday of the Air Fighting Patrol (CAP) weapon.

Basic mounting of the Air Fighting Patrol (CAP) contains at least two short -range air -to -air missiles and two medium air -to -air missiles.Sword bombs and auxiliary fuel tanks.

The Taiwan Air Force Air Defense and Missile Headquarters and Navy Haifeng Brigade also entered a state of comprehensive alertness.

The Ministry of National Defense of Taiwan also promoted the Taiwan army's combat reserve stage from general alert to "key alert" in accordance with the "emergency situation during the regular combat reserve period".Special warning forces have been preparing for the battle in the camp.

In addition, the new 520 new and vice presidents of 520, the Taiwan Patrol Department conducted a "full -time tour" on the Golden Gate, Matsu, and Penghu Planets on the weekend.

The Taiwan Maritime Patrol Department Golden Horse Peng Branch said in a statement on Sunday, "In order to ensure the security and border security of the waters during the ceremony, the Golden Horse Peng Branch of the Marine Patrol Agency once again implemented a powerful sweeping."If you find that illegal cross -border vessels immediately drive away or check.

According to the report of the Sea Patrol Department, on May 18th, a total of 14 patrol boats, 55 auto locomotives, and 257 sea patrol staff were sent to enhance patrol energy in Kinmen, Matsu, and Penghu.