After the opening of Fujian people in Mainland China, the Mainland State Council said that Fujian Province will organize travel agencies to step on the line to inspect in a timely manner.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China held a regular press conference on Wednesday (May 15).According to a question from the Taiwan China Times, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of Mainland China announced on April 28 that people who opened Fujian went to Matsu to travel.How many people are the currently submitted by the application?How many people who have taken shape to Matsu?

Chen Binhua, a spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, only responded to this that Fujian Province will organize travel agencies to step on the line to inspect in a timely manner.

When the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan party was called Fu Kunzheng to visit mainland China at the end of last month, the mainland announced the opening of Fujian people to travel to Matsu.

However, the Taiwan MAC said that mainland China responded to the proposal of two -way communication between the Taiwan party's comprehensive recovery of the two -strait tourist group group in two -way communication, and it was extremely reduced.Seeing Kinmen and Penghu, it is inconsistent with the principles of peer opening.

Chen Binhua criticized the DPP for political private interests, disregarding the wishes of the Taiwan industry and the people's interests, and only blindly discrediting the attack on the mainland and unpopular.He advised the DPP government to conform to the strong voices of the normalization of cross -strait people's hope of normalization and the normalization of exchanges in various fields, cancel all unreasonable restrictions and prohibitions as soon as possible, and create conditions for the restoration of cross -strait tourism.

The Taiwan Ministry of Communications The Tourism Department of the Ministry of Communications originally scheduled to announce the detailed implementation plan to the tourism group on the land on February 7 this year, but it suddenly announced that it will stop going to the land travel group from the same day, because the mainland has so far been so far in land.The passenger travel group came to Taiwan for arrangements, and recently announced that the operation methods of changing M503 and other routes have been announced a few days ago to impact flight safety. "

In addition, a reporter from China Daily asked questions that the mainland has recently announced that 20 cities including Beijing can apply for online application for expired mainland residents.Is it possible to understand that the mainland has released goodwill, as long as the Taiwanese party opens the mainland passenger to apply for a "entry permit", can mainland travelers go?

Chen Binhua said that applying for replacement on the Internet online is a practical measure to facilitate travel of mainland residents.In response to the tourism arrangement, the Ministry of Cultural Tourism has announced the relevant arrangements on April 28, but only at the opening of the Fujian people to travel to Matsu, and after the direct flight from Pingtan to Taiwan, the residents of Fujian residents went to Taiwan to travel., It has not announced that "the people of the mainland go to Taiwan for travel".