Taiwan has reportedly missed the World Health Conference (WHA) again. Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxi said that Taiwan's participation in the conference this year is still very high, but Taiwan is still actively striving for the assistance and support of more countries, and alsoCall for the World Health Organization (WHO) to allow Taiwan to participate in all its meetings.

Comprehensive Reuters and the Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission invited Wu Zhaozheng to report on Wednesday (May 15th).The Ministry of Health and Welfare was attending inquiries.

Wu Zhaozheng said at the meeting that Director -General of the WHO should actively invite Taiwan as an observer to attend the World Health Conference this month.He believes that WHO should allow Taiwan to participate in all meetings and activities in order to implement the Charter of the WHO's basic human rights as the basic human rights, and achieve the goal of "everyone enjoys health" as soon as possible.

Wu Zhaoxuan said in a joint media interview before the meeting that the difficulty of being able to participate in the World Health Conference this year is still very difficult, but the strategy is still the same as last year.In the World Health Organization's Secretariat, they joined forces, publicly speaking, and written ways.

He said that there are more countries in Taiwan than before, and the levels are higher than before. This is a gratifying phenomenon.Especially in terms of public opinion, many good friends in Taiwan have many good friends in the democratic national parliament. They support Taiwan to participate in the activities of the World Health Organization, and continue to support the form of resolution, joint letters, and public speeches.

The 77th WHO will be held in Geneva, Switzerland from May 27th to June 1st.According to the Xinhua News Agency of Mainland China, Taiwan once again could not participate in the WHO.The National Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China stated that the DPP stubbornly insisted on the "Taiwan independence" division and refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus", which led to the no repeated political foundation of Taiwan's participation in the WHO.Caused by the party.

During the administration of former President Ma Ying -jeou, from 2009 to 2016, Taiwan could participate in the WHO as an observer.After the Democratic Progressive Party, Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan, Beijing opposed Taiwan's participation, which has led Taiwan to no longer attend the meeting since 2017.