The chairman of the Hong Kong Weightlifting Jianli Federation said in a speech in a game this month that 13 countries participated in, and this game includes players from Hong Kong and Taiwan.China Principles.I always apologize for this.

The General Assembly explained in the statement on Saturday (May 11) that this game originally had 16 countries and regions, but in the end only 13 countries and two regions attended.

The statement stated that when the chairman Ye Yongyu spoke, he found that the speaker did not match the number of actual participating teams and felt that the sentence was relatively long, so he simplified the relevant sentences to 13 countries. "Cause misunderstandings, which is seriously negligent. "The Association submitted a report to the Hong Kong Association and the Olympic Committee on May 11, stating the incident.

It always emphasizes that Ye Yongyu's original intention is not called "Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei are a country, and there is no meaning of 'Hong Kong independence.'And the public citizens apologized deeply. "

The Association also said: "The Association and Chairman Ye must be more careful to handle the content of the public speech in the future. When it comes to the region of Hong Kong and Taipei, China, the content of the speech will be reviewed before the speech to ensure that it will ensure that to ensure thatSimilar things will no longer happen. "

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government refers to Ye Yongyu's statement that" the facts of participating in the Hong Kong and Chinese Taipei team are seriously inconsistent with the facts of the region, suspected of violating the principle of one country. "Absolutely unacceptable.

Ye Yongyu described Hong Kong as a "smaller country" in another game in March.It constitutes a threat of national security and urges the Hong Kong government to follow up severely.The Association also apologized for this and claimed that it was a mistake.

The SAR Government emphasized on Friday (May 10) that "it attaches great importance to different degrees of error incidents in the same degree, and has requested the Hong Kong Sports Association and the Olympic Committee (the Hong Kong Association and Olympic Committee) to launch.In -depth investigations, and propose effective improvement plans to report to the government. "The Hong Kong Association and Olympic Committee have urged the Council to submit a report to the Hong Kong Association and Olympic Committee next Wednesday (May 15) or before.