The president of Taiwan, Lai Qingde, will hold an inauguration ceremony on May 20th, but the mayor of Liudu, the mayor of the DPP, the mayor of the Democratic Progressive Party.

Comprehensive Taiwan China Times and Sanli News reported that Lai Qingde will work on May 20th. At that time, Han Yu, the Legislative director of the Kuomintang of the wild Kuomintang, will teach Lai Qingde to Lai Qingde.The invitation letter of the current inauguration ceremony has been issued to all parties and people from all walks of life.

But among the six cities of Taiwan (Taipei, New Taipei, Taoyuan, Taichung, Kaohsiung, Tainan), only Huang Weizhe of the Democratic Progressive Party determined to attend the inauguration ceremony.

The mayor of Taipei, the mayor of the Kuomintang, said that he received an invitation letter, but because there was another municipal itinerary that day, "not to participate."

Chen Qimai, mayor of Kaohsiung, mayor of the DPP, has not yet determined the relevant itinerary arrangements because the Kaohsiung City Council is inquiring on the same day;The general inquiry of the members of the city council must attend the inquiry and whether to participate in the evaluation.

The Kuomintang mayor Hou Youyi responded through the New Taipei City News Bureau that the municipal construction of New Taipei City was in full swing. Hou Youyi was busy with his business trip. Even if he could not attend, he would give blessings.

There are other news that the Kuomintang legislators plan to be absent from the inauguration ceremony.However, the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun responded on Friday (May 10) that the invitation letter was not received, and the invitation letter was officially answered.

Hong Mengkai, the Secretary of the Kuomintang Group, said that the 520 inauguration ceremony was not on Monday on the day, and the Legislative Yuan also had a committee to be held on the same day.Handling official duties in the Legislative Yuan.

The Kuomintang legislators Li Yanxiu bluntly stated that Lai Qingde is a minority in public opinion or the legislature. It belongs to the "double minority" president, and it should be sincerely communicated.Essence

The spokesman of the people party Wu Yixuan said that the party chairman Ke Wenzhe received an invitation, and the people's party has always advocated political party reconciliation and social harmony, so the important ceremony "will not be absent."

However, Ke Wenzhe's decision to attend the ceremony attracted the criticism of the Kuomintang Taipei City Councilor Qin Huizhu, saying that Ke Wenzhe hosted a press conference on Thursday (May 9) to call on the people 519 to the streets.The ceremony was to trouble Jiang Wanan and the Taipei Police Station.