Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng said that the protection of Ukraine is of great significance and defending Taiwan is equally related to the world. Only by regarding the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait as an international issue can we guard the status quo.

According to a press release released by the Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Saturday (May 11), Wu Zhaozheng accepted the invitations of the Foreign AFFAIRS journal to defend Ukraine to defend TaiwanWritten by the title.The special article was published on May 9.

Wu Zhaozheng said in the article that the unity of democratic countries to support Ukraine is the key to scaring the pilot regime.He also called on global democratic countries to face the importance of the sea peace and stability to the world.

In response to the establishment of "unlimited partnerships" in mainland China and Russia, Wu Zhaozheng said that the unity and cooperation of democratic alliances is more important. Democratic countries must maintain military, economic and humanitarian assistance to Ukraine.The Congress recently decided to continue the military aid Ukraine.

Wu Zhaoyi said that the protection of Ukraine is also important to the world, and defending Taiwan is equally related to the world.The value of security in Taiwan is not only in the economy, but also a problem of geography.Maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait is important to maintain the United States' alliance system, regional balance, and prohibition of nuclear weapons from spread to.

He said that if the transformation of the geographical strategy is conducive to the expansion of mainland China, the world will be harmed in the next decades.

Wu Zhaozheng said that Taiwan is the responsible member of the international community. The position of maintaining the status quo on both sides of the strait will not change, but only by regarding the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait as an international issue can we guard the status quo of stability.

Wu Zhaozheng called on the international community to take more actions to assist in maintaining the status quo of the Taiwan Strait, including cooperating to counter the coercion and cognitive operations of the gray areas of mainland China; assist Taiwan to integrate into the international economic system, such as Taiwan and the United States' 21st Century Trade initiative.The second phase of negotiations, cross -Pacific partners' comprehensive progress agreement (CPTPP), etc.