Tsai Ing -wen, who is about to step down, gave a speech at the 2024 Human Rights News Awards ceremony that he hopes to see Taiwan continue to become the center of Asian press freedom.

According to the official website of the Taiwan government, Tsai Ing -wen attended the 2024 Human Rights News Awards Ceremony on Friday (May 10). In the ceremony, he said in English that after nearly 40 years of martial law, Taiwan experienced it.The injustice of authoritarian rule, some people even sacrifice their lives for the media.

She pointed out that in the global freedom report announced by Freedom House this year, Taiwan scored 94 points in the 100 points.Under the citizen freedom options, Taiwan obtains full scores in terms of speech and freedom of belief.Taiwan's news media has been rated as "overall freedom, reflecting different views, and actively reporting government policies."

She introduced that according to the 2023 Democratic Index released by the Economist Information Agency, Taiwan ranks 10th in the world, and the number one in Asia. It is one of the 24 places in the world that has been rated as comprehensive democracy.In this year, the Global Press Freedom Index released by the Journalist Organization of Borders has ranked 27th in the world and has improved eight compared with last year.

Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwan has now become an international media hub in defending freedom.In recent years, more and more international media reporters have been in Taiwan or went to Taiwan to interview and report.As of last month, there were 22 countries, 86 media and 176 reporters in Taiwan, which was about doubled compared to 2016.

She also said that the increase in the number of international journalists can prove that Taiwan is a place that can ensure transparency, enjoy freedom of speech, and facilitate information."I am proud of this, and I look forward to Taiwan to continue to become the center of the freedom of Asian press."