The Taiwan Chao and Japan will negotiate next Monday (May 13) to discuss the form of inviting Lai Qingde to go to the Legislative Yuan for a national conditions report after taking office.

Comprehensive reports of the Taiwan Liberty Times and Dongsen News, etc., the Kuomintang and the people's party proposals in Taiwan invite President Lai Qingde after taking office on May 20, and the new president of the executive president before making a policy report in the Legislative Yuan., Go to the Legislative Yuan to conduct a national conditions report.The Taiwan Legislative Yuan listed this proposal as the first discussion on Friday (May 10).

After the discussion, the members of the Legislative Yuan obtained a consensus and paid the second reading of the case.Essence

Fu Kunzheng, the General Party of the Kuomintang Legislative Yuan, said that he was grateful to the people's party and the Democratic Progressive Party. He hoped that the President would go to the Legislative Yuan to make a national conditions for the state of the Legislative Yuan in the future.After negotiation next Monday, Lai Qingde is welcome to go to the Legislative Court to make a national conditions report and receive inquiries after 520. The Kuomintang Group will be respected.

Zhang Jikai, the party legislator of the people, said that if Lai Qingde could make a national conditions report, it would be a win -win situation for the president, the new legislature, and the new public opinion.This is a historic moment, and the responsibility of the opposition and the field has contributed to this major.

The DPP's Legislative Council Commander Ke Jianming said that after thorough communication, he was glad that there were consensus and the Constitution of the opposition and the Constitution.After negotiating next Monday, I see if I want to answer questions.

The Kuomintang proposal Lai Qingde asked to answer when he was inquiring, and the Democratic Progressive Party answered questions, and the people's party answered in order.