(Taipei/Beijing Comprehensive News) In less than two weeks before the inauguration ceremony of Taiwan, the US warships via the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday (May 8th), causing dissatisfaction in mainland China.The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense reported the next day that 23 secondary military aircraft and five warships were discovered, and eight of them across the Taiwan Strait.

The U.S. Navy's Seventh Fleet announced on the official website, and the Berke -class missile destroyer "USS Halsey" on Wednesday has passed the Taiwan Strait on Wednesday.It also said that the movement of the United States is committed to maintaining the freedom of navigation in all countries.

The announcement finally wrote that no members of the international community should be intimidated or forced to abandon their rights and freedom.

This is the third time the US warships have passed the Taiwan Strait this year.For nearly two weeks after the end of the Taiwan election in January this year, the same two weeks after the Berke-class missile destroyer, Zeng Eli Via the Taiwan Strait , and then sailed through the waters again in March.

According to Reuters, American warships occasionally there are U.S. Navy patrol aircraft, about once a month or fly over the Taiwan Strait.

Taiwan's president Lai Qingde, who was criticized by Beijing as "Taiwan independence stubborn", On May 20, the new cabinet will be sworn in .

For the Taiwan Strait of Halsey, Li Yan, spokesman for the Eastern theater of the PLA, criticized Li Yan, a public speculation.He said that the Eastern theater organized the sea and air forces to take the supervisor to the warship's voyage operation and deal with the supervisor and deal with it in accordance with laws and regulations."The theater troops always maintain a high degree of alertness and resolutely defend the national sovereign security and regional peace and stability."

The Taiwan Ministry of National Defense issued a press release on Wednesday night that during the period from north to the Taiwan Strait from the north to the Taiwan Strait, the Taiwan Army had the dynamics of the surrounding sea and airspace throughout the process, and the condition was normal.

On the other hand, the Taiwan Ministry of National Defense reported on the official website on Thursday (May 9) that on Wednesday from 6 am to Thursday (May 9th) at 6 am, 23 second military aircraft in the mainland were discovered.Around the Taiwan Strait, eight of them were over the Taiwan Strait Middle Line into the southwest and eastern airspace of Taiwan's air defense identification zone.