Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde said that after being sworn in the president on May 20, Taiwan and Japan can strengthen cooperation.

Comprehensive Taiwan Freedom Times and Civil Television News Network reported that Wednesday (May 8th) was the 82nd anniversary of the death of "Father of Jianan Great" and the death of Yichi.Haga and a bronze statue were held in front of a memorial service.

Hachita and Yichi from Kanazawa City, Japan, participated in the construction of water conservancy projects during the Japanese rule of Taiwan.say.

The Taiwan Government's Zizi Huang Kunhu, the Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture Chen Tianshou, the Director of the Farmland Water Conservancy Department Cai Shengfu, the Taipei Office of the Taipei Office of the Taipei Office of the Taipei Office18 people including Boshi, Bada and Yidi.

Lai Qingde said at the memorial service that the Wushantou Reservoir, which was stamped in the Wushantou Reservoir in 94 years ago, has made great contributions to the current Taiwan's agriculture, industry, and people's livelihood.The three -nanometer semiconductor process is to use Wushan's water.

Lai Qingde said that the Wushantou Reservoir closes the friendship between Taiwan and Japan. When the earthquake occurred in Taiwan, the first one to help was Japan. When the earthquake occurred in Japan, Taiwan was the first in the world.Help Japanese countries, the benefits of the reservoir are not far away.

Lai Qingde continued, the Wushantou Reservoir also connected to Taiwan -Japan security issues. Japanese Prime Minister Kishita Kishita pointed out in the conclusion of the seven major industrial national conferences that Taiwan's security is a world issue.The necessary elements of prosperity do not agree to change the current situation of the Taiwan Strait with force.

He said that after the president, he expects to strengthen exchanges and cooperation in various aspects in the future. In terms of industrial economy, it is hoped that TSMC Japan Kumamoto Plant will become a bridge to create the economic prosperity of both parties.The peace and stability of the Indo -Pacific area.

He emphasized: "Taiwan is something in Japan.In a seminar held by the National Policy Research Institute of the Taiwan Think Tank, "Taiwan has something to do with Japan, that is, the Japanese and American alliances." It is said that if mainland China attacks Taiwan, it will seriously pose a serious threat to Japan.