Taiwan's application for the naturalization of senior professional talents will enhance the strength of sports teams such as the Taiwan men's basketball team.

Comprehensive reports of Taiwan reporting and Newtalk news reports, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan passed the draft amendment of some provisions of the nationality law on Tuesday (May 7).

The amendment of the nationality law to relax the residence of the residence required for the naturalization of senior professional talents. From the current for three consecutive years, it is necessary to have legal residence for more than 183 days each year.Legal residence for more than five consecutive years.In the future, foreigners or non -nationality who have special contributions will be exempted from the license fee when applying for naturalization.

This means that in the future, foreign players can apply for naturalization in the name of senior professional talents.

DPP legislator Zhuang Ruixiong said that in order to strengthen the extension of outstanding talents, he proposed to relax the application period, and thank you for your efforts. In the future, Taiwan's basketball team and football team can join more outstanding talents.Make the sports industry in Taiwan.