Aiming at Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Czech Republic to sign a $ 10 million to assist Ukraine Michemore, the Kuomintang legislator Xu Qiaoxin in the wild questioned the DPP government's Tulitting manufacturer last week and indirectly involved in the local Politics of the Czech Republic.Taiwan Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng was in pain on Monday. Xu Qiaoxin stepped on the moral and diplomatic bottom line and told her.

Xu Qiaoxin responded: "If it is for the people of the Republic of China, I am willing."She emphasized that she did not have a profit or betrayed Taiwan, just to protect the people and be legislators.

Xu Qiaoxin said last week that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan and the Czech Republic signed a $ 10 million (S $ 13.5 million) to assist the secret contract of Ukraine, and designated the implementation of the "Czech Health Science and Technology Institute" (CHTI), of which 3 to 4 million US dollars were purchased in TaiwanMedical material, questioning "Who can eat this piece of fat?"

She pointed out that CHTI host Petr Foit visited Taiwan last March and got such a large project in December of the same year, and Fayut was the local medical supplier of the Czech Republic, and the local Congress.Council has close relationships.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs signed this secret. Is it indirectly involved in the political party politics of the Czech Republic?

The Taiwan Foreign Ministry of Foreign Affairs immediately condemned Xu Qiaoxin in question or commented on the facts, not fictional fiction.Xu Qiaoxin then announced the secret of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan to prove that what he said was wrong.She can easily cover the key part of secrets, emphasizing that the government cannot use confidential documents as a shame of corruption.This was angered by the DPP government and launched a comprehensive siege of her.

Chen Jianren, Dean Chen Jianren, said on Monday (May 6) that Xu Qiaoxin affects Taiwan's diplomatic promotion , heI feel regrettable, and I can't understand it.

Liu Yongjian, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, also held a press conference to say that Taijie cooperated to assist Ukraine to be open and transparent and banned inspection. The relevant documents also sent the Legislative Yuan to the Legislative Yuan in accordance with legal procedures.The legislators have doubts about the content. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can send it to explain, but it is not allowed to disclose confidential documents in front of the media."The Ministry of Foreign Affairs will be prepared to take legal actions for the disclosure of official secrets in this case." It also said that the incident "cannot exclude it as a cognitive combat behavior on the other side."

The DPP Legislative Yuan party criticized Xu Qiaoxin as "the disadvantages of falseness and the true leak", saying that she publicized the secret documents approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and it was likely that 132 criminal law was violated.

Wu Zhaozheng also appreciated the green broadcast program. Xu Qiaoxin speculated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had no evidence and violated the moral bottom line; Taiwan's diplomatic difficulties, the Czech Republic was willing to assist Taiwan to spread love to Ukraine.To the bottom line of the diplomatic; the world's democratic countries should help Ukraine and Taiwan, and Xu's news will affect Taiwan's exchanges with other countries; Xu shows that confidential documents will be stepped on the legal bottom line to the media.

Xu Qiaoxin believes that since the Ministry of Foreign Affairs claims that Taijie cooperates to assist Ukraine to be open and transparent, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs should explain to her doubts.Open and transparent in the mouth?

The independent Taiwan -based party has arrived at the Taipei Local Procuratorate on Monday, and reported that Xu Qiaoxin's crime of leakage of the Criminal Criminal Law was reported.