(Taipei Comprehensive News) Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, said on Monday that through its own efforts, Taiwan has formed the toughness of Taiwan under the pressure of "neighbors".

Comprehensive Wind Media and Free Times reported that Xiao Meiqin delivered a speech at the International Forum in Taipei on Monday (May 6) at the International Forum organized by the Asia -Pacific Tough Research Foundation, pointing out this.

She first thanked American President Biden signed effective assistance Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan Act two weeks ago, and said it was saidThis shows the long -term support of the United States for allies, defending democratic values ​​and international order with the principles of legal systems.She also pointed out that Taiwanese must first establish their own advantages and build a tough Taiwan through their own efforts.

Xiao Meiqin said that Taiwan is a tough island that overcome difficulties. It not only has natural disasters such as typhoons and earthquakes, but also faces challenges such as false information, online warfare and political intervention, and military harassment.

Xiao Meiqin refers to mainland China as the "neighbor."She said that in the face of all these challenges and pressure from the "neighbors", the people of Taiwan showed their excellent perseverance and tenacity, so that Taiwan could speak on the international stage.

She said that the core of the Taiwan model is from the toughness in adversity. This toughness is shaped from the shadow of the "neighbor", allowing Taiwan to continue to move forward in international politics and deploy in the global economy.In the face of uncertainty, innovation, and made Taiwan see the importance of human capital and investment in education, and at the same time promote the importance of social integration, making Taiwan a fair and integrated society.

Xiao Meiqin finally said that she and Taiwan ’s president Lai Qingde will exert the above values, and continue to cooperate with countries with similar ideas to establish a stronger partnership.