Taiwan ’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs (May 6) responded to the foreign legislator Xu Qiaoxin to show the secret documents to the outside world, emphasizing that the incident involved the leakage of official secrets, and it would prepare to take legal action to respond.

Comprehensive United Daily News and Liberty Times reported that Taiwan Foreign Ministry spokesman Liu Yongjian emphasized at a press conference that Taiwan and the Czech Republic to cooperate with Ukraine to be open and transparent and stand inspection.

Liu Yongjian said that if the legislators have doubts about the content of the relevant documents, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs can send members to explain, but they must not disclose confidential documents directly in front of the media, "depending on the state secrets."

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan also criticized Xu Qiaoxin to speculate, wearing a chisel, deliberately misleading the outside world.

Xu Qiaoxin showed official secret documents to reporters on Sunday (May 5), which refuted the public and transparent statement of the Audit -wide assistance cooperation in Taiwan and other regions, and was criticized by the Green Camp.This document is a contract with a $ 10 million ($ 13.52 million) contract signed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan and the Czech Republic of Health Science and Technology.

The Kaijin Party has arrived at the Procuratorate and sued Xu Qiaoxin's suspected leakage.Chen Jianren, the president of the executive, pointed out that Xu Qiaoxin's move was harmful to Taiwan's diplomatic promotion.