The Taiwan MAC stated that the approval rate for Hong Kong people applied for a certain number of conditions in Taiwan in the past five years was approximately 75%.In response to some of them who did not pass the review, the Taiwan MAC stated that the government did not directly veto, but provided a correction opportunity.

According to the Taiwan United News Network report, Lu Changshui, the director and secretary general of the Taiwan MAC Hong Kong, Macao and Mongolian Division and the Secretary -General of the Mongolian Division and the Secretary -General of the Taiwan Macau, on Thursday (May 2), the Tong Ren will attend the Hong Kong and Macau Commercial in Taipei.The tax lectures hosted by the association in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao expressed their care for people who moved to Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao, and explained the situation of Hong Kong people.

Lu Changshui said that in the past five years, Hong Kong and Macau people have applied for residence in Taiwan and approved nearly 50,000 people, with an approval rate of more than 97%.Whether you will have a single residence settlement application due to a single factors such as occupation and birth location.

Lu Changshui said that as to some cases that have not passed the review, it is a retaining observation case. It is emphasized that the government does not directly pronounce (inaccurate), but provides a correction opportunity to let Hong Kong, which has sincerely left Taiwan to develop in Hong Kong.Friends, have the opportunity to achieve settlement planning.

The Hong Kong Internet media "Hong Kong 01" released a long report at the end of April saying that many Hong Kong people moved to the outside world after the 2019 anti -repair routine storm, and Taiwan was a popular place.However, in the past five years, people in Hong Kong seem to have a trend of "second immigrants". Because the local immigration policy has continued to tighten, many Hong Kong people have a sense of difficulty, and the officials of immigration are full of bureaucrats and "human governance".The Hong Kong people who have always followed the "rule of law" system are at a loss.