(Taipei Comprehensive News) The prosperity of the factory activity in Taiwan has expanded for the first time in two years.

According to Bloomberg, data released by S & P Global on Thursday (May 2nd) shows that Taiwan ’s manufacturing purchasing manager index (PMI) in April was 50.2, which was higher than 49.3 in March.New high.PMI higher than 50 indicates that the industry is expanding, and less than 50 indicates contraction.

According to the press release issued by S & P global, interviewees generally believe that the increase in order growth has driven output amplification. Although the increase is limited, it has reversed the decline since April 2022.

Some manufacturers say that the demand for orders has improved, especially from the demand from local customers, but the fundamentals of the market, especially overseas markets, are still sluggish.Judging from the new export order, the export orders in April fell again.

The interviewees also pointed out that market demand is still relatively weak, so they maintain cautious attitude towards procurement activities and take inventory as much as possible.

However, Paul Smith, the economic and intelligent economic director of the S & P Global Market, said manufacturers have confident growth will accelerate, so since the beginning of this year, it has expanded manpower in three months.

According to the United Daily report, the March unemployment rate released by the main plan of the Taiwan Executive Yuan on April 22 was 3.38%, a decrease of 0.01 percentage points from February, the lowest level in the same month in 24 years.

The Data of the General Planning Department shows that the number of employment in March was 11.58 million, an increase of 9,000 from the previous month, of which the service industry was increased by 5,000, and the industrial sector increased by 3,000. Compared with the same month in the same month, an increase of 80,0007000 people.